What's New?: New Feature Subheaders:
Backs Up Essential Files and Schedules Automatic Backups
Synchronizes Files Between Two Macs
Creates a Bootable Backup
What's New?: New Feature Paragraphs:
Intego Personal Backup makes copies of your files for quick and easy recovery from unfortunate incidents like theft, data corruption, or natural disasters. Run manual backups or create an automated schedule that backs up your information when you forget. Whether you want control of your backups or prefer to set it and forget it, Intego Personal Backup’s got you covered.
Intego Personal Backup can synchronize folders between two Macs (such as a desktop and a laptop) so that each machine has the latest, most updated files.
Having system problems that make you want to tear your hair out? Intego Personal Backup can create bootable clones on an external hard drive so you can boot from the backup and access your files.
Netupdate Product ID:
Upgrades to the following bundle:
Personal Backup X8 (home)
Intego Personal Backup X8 offers the same great level of backup protection and is updated to be compatible with all X8 products.
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Upsells to the following bundle (for renew):
Personal Backup X8 (home)