Last week, Microsoft released the final security updates for its Windows Vista operating system (OS) for desktops and laptops.
Microsoft said in a statement that its Vista operating system (OS) will no longer receive “new security updates, non-security hot fixes, free or paid assisted support options, or online technical content updates from Microsoft.”
Depending on the vulnerability, it could make it easier for an attacker to spy on users and steal their data or identity, install ransomware to lock them out of accessing their own files, or remotely control the computer and make it part of a botnet that can send spam or attack servers or Internet infrastructure. Once a system is hijacked by an attacker, the possibilities are limitless.
Microsoft, of course, wants you to either purchase an upgrade to Windows 10, or purchase a new computer with Windows 10 preinstalled.
For many users who are still using Windows Vista, neither of those options is very appealing.
Since you can’t jump directly from Windows Vista to Windows 10, users wishing to simply upgrade their OS would have to manually back up all their files and programs and reformat their hard drive first, and then buy and install Windows 10 from scratch and reinstall all their files and software.
Alternatively, to avoid having to erase and reinstall everything from scratch, users could buy and install both a Windows 7 upgrade and a Windows 10 upgrade. (Windows Vista can be upgraded to Windows 7, and Windows 7 can be upgraded directly to Windows 10.)
The average user probably does not have the time, patience, or expertise to attempt either of those upgrade paths.
Users who lack the time or the technical skill to upgrade Windows on their own could be stuck paying for not only Windows 10 itself, but also the labor costs of having a computer shop or local technician do the upgrade for them (and then there’s also the potential concern of the technician doing something irresponsible or unethical with the user’s personal data).
Those with a particularly old PC might also need to buy a RAM upgrade or a higher-capacity hard drive before upgrading to Windows 10.
If one is willing to spend so much money and go to so much trouble anyway, one might as well strongly consider buying a brand new computer.
Since folks who still use Windows Vista are going to have to shell out some cash one way or another, PC users might reasonably consider another alternative: to buy a Mac or an iPad for the first time.
Now could be a great time for Windows Vista users to switch to Apple.
Depending on what one uses their computer for, Windows Vista switchers might be happy getting a Mac mini to use with their PC’s old monitor.
Used Mac minis can often be found on eBay for $300 or less (example search; check the “Show only sold listings” box to see recent sale prices). If you buy a used Mac from a third party, be sure to either reformat the hard drive or scan it for malware with Intego VirusBarrier before using it.
The end of Windows Vista security updates also means that it’s no longer safe to use Vista on a Mac, either in a virtual machine (e.g. VirtualBox, VMware Fusion, or Parallels Desktop) or set up via Boot Camp. If your Mac has Vista installed on it, you’ll most likely want to upgrade your Mac’s copy of Windows to a newer version.
If you’re still using Windows XP, be advised that Microsoft hasn’t been releasing security updates for that ever-popular consumer operating system since three years ago. Surprisingly, Windows XP is still clinging onto 8% of the Windows active installed base, currently 10 times as popular as Vista.
Now is most certainly a good time to switch to Apple. So…how about it?
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