Untethered Jailbreak Tool for iOS is Being Tested
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Lysa Myers
It looks like the long wait for a publicly available untethered jailbreak on iOS 6 will soon come to an end. According to a post by Planetbeing on Reddit today, he has an untethered jailbreak running on his phone and he and other iOS hackers are testing a tool for public use that will be available after iOS 6.1 has been released.
There are a lot of guesses right now as to when iOS 6.1 will be released, but they all fall into the time frame of a few days to a few weeks. This wait-and-see strategy is sort of a gamble, as the final release of 6.1 could theoretically cover the vulnerabilities that this jailbreak tool uses, so the jailbreakers would be set back in their efforts. By releasing the untethered jailbreak tool for 6.0.2, it would allow users to have a viable jailbroken version of iOS 6. But with 6.1 so close at hand, the iOS hacker community doesn’t want to play their cards and give Apple the opportunity to close the holes a short time later.
The jailbreak creators are hoping that the current vulnerabilities they’re using will still exist in the next version of the OS so that users can have a jailbreak that works in the latest version of iOS for the longest time possible. Statistics show that a relatively small number of users are currently running a jailbroken version of iOS, but many people are still clamoring for a jailbreak for the latest version of the operating system.
On the plus side, this delay builds in time for testing the tool on all devices to make sure it’s stable. Are you planning on running this tool when it becomes available? What are your favorite jailbreak tweaks?