OSX/Adload: Mac Malware Apple Missed for Many Months
The latest Adload malware had been infecting Macs for months before Apple began to detect it. Intego VirusBarrier users...
The latest Adload malware had been infecting Macs for months before Apple began to detect it. Intego VirusBarrier users...
Apple neglected to warn more than 100 million iOS users who downloaded apps infected with the XcodeGhost malware.
Lots of updates for Apple operating systems, an AirDrop vulnerability that can lean phone numbers and email addresses, and...
Adobe has discontinued Flash Player, and all updates you may see offered on websites contain malware. Don't install a...
Silver Sparrow malware has been found targeting Macs, including Apple's new M1 models, but we don't know what the...
A new family of Mac malware dubbed Silver Sparrow (detected by Intego and others as OSX/Slisp) has apparently infected...
There's new malware attacking cryptocurrency apps, WhatsApp warns users about data it is sharing with Facebook, and Apple loses...
On December 31, 2020, Adobe Flash Player is officially dead. This browser plugin, which provided multimedia content for the...
Sometimes when things start going wrong on your Mac, you may think you have malware. In this episode, Josh...
9 things you can do if you think your Mac has malware.