Security Bug in Safari Browsers Puts OS X and iOS Users at Risk
Security researchers have discovered a serious Safari address-spoofing bug that can deceive users about the sites they’re visiting. The exploit works...
Security researchers have discovered a serious Safari address-spoofing bug that can deceive users about the sites they’re visiting. The exploit works...
The lack of a simple security measure makes the Apple Watch an attractive target for thieves and muggers.
Here's a guide to using iCloud Drive: how to save files to the cloud, access them from other devices,...
Things have recently gone rotten in the state of Apple security. Can things get any worse? Unfortunately, it seems,...
Today Apple has updated its mobile operating system to iOS 8.3, which kills a whopping 58 iOS security bugs. This...
Is the ability to skip the password check in order to download free apps a good or bad idea?...
This gadget is going to be loved by jealous snooping partners, and law enforcement alike. Make sure you have an...
Get the FREAK out of here! Apple releases security update for SSL-busting vulnerability.
Recommended + Security & Privacy + Security News
Every vulnerability found may be good news ("it's been found!"), but it's also a failure of quality control and...
It appears that the Pawn Storm spyware campaign is now also targeting iPhones and iPads... and they don't have...