Hello Firefox 9, and Thanks for the Security Fixes
The Mozilla Foundation has released version 9 of the Firefox web browser, fixing a few security flaws.
The Mozilla Foundation has released version 9 of the Firefox web browser, fixing a few security flaws.
Google has released an update to the company's Chrome web browser, moving it to version 16.0.912.63, patching 15 vulnerabilities...
The Mozilla Foundation is considering dropping Firefox support for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard in June 2012, when Firefox...
Google has updated its Chrome web browser to version 15.0.874.121, to fix a high-risk vulnerability which could lead to...
The latest version of Firefox, version 8, fixes some security issues and includes a new interface for installing add-ons.
Google has updated its Chrome web browser to version 15, patching 28 security flaws, none of them critical.
Firefox 7 is released with a number of security fixes.
Google has issued a security update to its Chrome web browser, bringing it to version 14,
Firefox 6, the latest version of the web browser, has been released, and contains a number of security fixes.
A new Firefox extension forces the use of HTTPS for a number of popular websites.