Intego Mac Security Podcast

Top 10 Features of macOS Sonoma – Intego Mac Podcast Episode 312

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We look at the top 10 new features in macOS Sonoma, then take a closer look at two of the features that we think everyone should check out.

  • Top 10 New Features in macOS Sonoma
  • How to Use Web Apps in macOS Sonoma, and Why You Should
  • How to Use Desktop Widgets on macOS Sonoma

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    Transcript of Intego Mac Podcast episode 312

    Voice Over 0:00
    This is the Intego Mac Podcast–the voice of Mac security–for Thursday, October 5 2023.

    In this week’s Intego Mac podcast, we’ll discuss the top 10 new features in macOS Sonoma, and then take an in depth look at an additional two of our favorite new features. Now, here are the hosts of the Intego Mac podcast. Veteran Mac journalist, Kirk McElhearn. And Intego’s chief security analyst, Josh Long.

    Kirk McElhearn 0:34
    Good morning, Josh, how are you today?

    Josh Long 0:36
    I’m doing well. How are you, Kirk?

    The top ten features in macOS Sonoma 14

    Kirk McElhearn 0:38
    I’m doing just fine. Today we’re going to do a deep dive into macOS Sonoma. And what we’re going to do is a quick overview of the top 10 new features in Sonoma. This is an article I first wrote back in June, when the beta came out, and we took a closer look at the features that would be the most popular, the kinds that you’ll notice a lot. Then we’re going to take close looks at two of them, which are the features that we think are really the most useful. So let’s start now and link in the show notes to articles on the Mac security blog for all of this. The first new feature in macOS that’s worth talking about is desktop widgets. And you know what, it’s so good. We’re gonna give it its whole segment. So we won’t say anything about it now. Is that okay? All right. Sounds good. Safari Profiles. Now, if you’re like me, you use your computer, sometimes for work, and sometimes for personal activities. And it can be really annoying when you’ve got tabs and extensions, and all sorts of things that get mixed up together. And maybe during your work hours, you’ve got things set up for one type of content. And maybe at other times you have another so you can set up a profile to change from one activity to another. You can name the activities, you can set focus modes with each of these profiles, you can have different favorite start pages, extensions, you have a whole lot of customization. I want to tell you, I haven’t started using this yet, because it just seems a little complicated.

    Josh Long 2:02
    Oh, really interesting. Yeah, I feel like this is one of those features that once you’ve got it set up, like could be really useful. You gave a couple of scenarios there. Like maybe you have a work profile, maybe you have a personal profile, maybe I don’t know, you manage like multiple social media accounts on the same platform. In those kinds of scenarios, you definitely want to use something like this, because otherwise you’re going to be restricted to, for example, using different browsers for every profile. And that can get really obnoxious.

    Kirk McElhearn 2:33
    Well, one thing I mentioned in my article is this is good for if you’re a freelancer, and you have a profile for each client. The thing is, the setup is onerous, you’ve got to really calculate what you’re going to do. Now I already use tab groups. So I have tab groups for different clients. I have one tab group for Intego, one for each of a couple other clients, I have a tab group for podcasts. For all the podcasts that I do, most of them are hosted on the same hosting service, I have a tab group for my accounting software and my different banking websites. So I’ve already kind of separated that. But I’m not sure that I want to do the profile thing and shift it into another level of separation. This is something I’m going to look into now that Sonoma is here, and I’ve gotten used to it, I think a lot of people will like doing this, if they want to have a weekend, a family profile to totally shut off work. For me working from home as a freelancer, it’s a little bit different.

    Josh Long 3:28
    But this could be a really good feature for somebody who, for example, uses their personal computer to also do work or maybe has a work issued computer that they’re allowed to or just do it anyway use it for personal reasons. I think this feature could get a lot of use were a lot of people, not everybody necessarily is going to want to go through the trouble like you’re talking about of actually setting up Safari profiles. And so one alternative that might work for some people instead is to actually use web apps.

    Kirk McElhearn 4:00
    And web apps are so cool, we’re going to take a deep dive into that in a little bit. One thing to remember about Safari profiles is that they sync via iCloud, so you set them up on one of your devices, and you have access on all your devices. So that actually can make the the onerous setup time a little less painful. Because once you’ve done it on one device, it’s good on all them when you make a change on one device, it changes on all of them to Okay, password and pass key sharing. I bet you share your Netflix password with at least one person.

    Josh Long 4:30
    No, but I know people who have done that in the past I’ve heard that this is the thing that people do sometimes.

    Kirk McElhearn 4:37
    What? You don’t share that in your home with your spouse or with your children. (Well, okay, yeah.) So that’s what I’m getting at. I’m not talking about some corrupt thing here.

    Josh Long 4:47
    And by the way, Netflix in particular has really cracked down on this. They have this whole thing now where you can’t easily log into someone else’s Netflix account unless you’ve recently been in their home or weird things like that.

    Kirk McElhearn 4:59
    But do you even within your family. Let’s say everyone’s sharing the same Netflix and you’ve got the plan that lets you have four people at a time. Maybe you need to change your password. And instead of telling everyone what the password is you can create a group in iCloud Keychain. And you can share the passwords. So if you do make an update to a password, everyone gets the update, instead of you having to send a message or write the password on a post it and hand it to someone.

    Josh Long 5:24
    Right. This is actually how the feature is intended to be used for like a family who’s all living together and maybe all need to have the Netflix password like you’re talking about, right? This can be a really useful thing. There are a lot of third party password managers that have similar functionality. But you often have to pay for a higher subscription level in order to get the family plan that includes password sharing between multiple people. And so having this built into iOS and macOS is actually a pretty cool thing.

    Kirk McElhearn 5:55
    It is. Okay, new screensavers. Not something I really care about. Because every time I set up a new Mac, I go to that black screensaver, the one with a little Apple logo that bounces around that you can type a message and what I do is I put a space so it doesn’t say anything. Because I don’t want a fancy screensaver, it just distracts me. But they’re really nice. There’s a lot of them. And some of them are really big. I don’t know that they’re 100 megabytes or something like that. I think what they’ve done is they’ve taken the kind of screensavers that they had on the Apple TV that they’ve had for a few years these 4k screen savers. I’m looking at the categories in Sonoma, there’s landscape, there are cityscape, there’s underwater, Earth. There’s aerials, and there’s others a bunch of different kinds of things. And some of them are really, really beautiful. So if you do want to sit in front of your Mac, and look at some of the screensavers for a while, you can do that. And if you do have an Apple TV, you’ve already seen this, if you stepped away from your TV for long enough, it’s already switched to a screensaver. One thing I noticed on a lot of the Apple TV screensavers is I don’t really want to see drone photos of highways in Los Angeles or cities. I want to see nature, I don’t think you can choose on Apple TV, at least you couldn’t maybe you can with the new software. So I’m not so sure that I want to see, you know Los Angeles overpass or New York at night, but maybe some people for them, it would be you know, it would be attractive.

    Josh Long 7:17
    I have seen some of these on the Apple TV before but some of these would be really cool. I like the idea of being able to pick which landscape you like, rather than just having to shuffle through them. And there are a lot of really good new ones that have been added to macOS Sonoma. So I look forward to trying some of these out.

    Kirk McElhearn 7:37
    It’s not just that there are a lot there are 61 landscapes 30 city scapes, 21 underwater, 22 Earth, five shuffle aerials, and 11 others. SO that’s more than 100 screensavers. Do you remember back in the day on the old Mac when you actually did need a screensaver to prevent screen burn and there was something called After Dark that had a bunch of screen savers. I remember there was the flying toasters, there was an aquarium there were things like that. And back then you would actually look at them because they were kind of cool. You didn’t…you hadn’t seen that before,

    Josh Long 8:04
    Right? I remember seeing like Simpsons After Dark screensavers. And they had all kinds of things.

    Kirk McElhearn 8:10
    Okay, so here’s a new feature. In video conferencing software. It’s not just FaceTime, but Zoom, Skype and other things. You can do reactions. Did you not see my reaction?

    Josh Long 8:21
    Kirk is showing this to me right now he’s giving me thumbs up. And it’s showing giant fireworks behind him on the Zoom call.

    Kirk McElhearn 8:28
    Right. And I think if I wave, I get something, though that doesn’t happen. I’ve turned this off. I just turned it on to show you. I think this is a bit eye candy. And I don’t want to be in an important Zoom meeting with someone and make a gesture that all of a sudden just going to make balloons show up on the screen or something like that. But I guess if you’re doing family videos, then maybe there’s some reason to do that. I don’t know. Interestingly, they did roll this into all video software. So we’re using Zoom for this meeting. And in the menu bar is an icon that looks like the FaceTime icon. And it shows you if I click it, I see Zoom US I can turn on the portrait mode from the FaceTime HD camera, I can turn on studio lighting, which darkens the background and whiten my face. And I can do reactions, which do things like fireworks. Good thing this isn’t a video podcast, because this is kind of annoying. Enhanced private browsing. You are a serious user of private browsing, aren’t you?

    Josh Long 9:23
    Oh, of course, yeah, I use private browsing all the time. And really, that’s my default. When I open up a new browser window, it’s usually a private browsing window by default. And then if I feel like it’s something that maybe I really need to come back to this frequently, then I’ll put it in a regular browsing window instead of private browsing.

    Kirk McElhearn 9:41
    Okay, Apple has enhanced private browsing windows, and one of the things they’ve done is they lock private browsing Windows when you step away from your Mac, so you have to enter a password or Touch ID, which I think is a really good thing. It’s a minor improvement, but private browsing is important. You don’t want to be tracked or fingerprinted and you want you don’t want your history stored when you’re finished. So private browsing is great. Here is the most useful feature to me that I have gotten the most mileage out of this is better AutoCorrect and predictive text, I’m going to tell you why I type a lot. Most of my work is typing when I’m not podcasting. In this article, I show an example predictive text is “efficient”. And after E-F-F-I you see the remainder of the word in a gray instead of a black. And if you hit the spacebar, it completes the word. Now what I’ve found in the 10 days, two weeks that I’ve been using Sonoma regularly, is that I’m developing this kind of habit to type I N F O R M space, because it’s going to complete information. And I’m getting used to the words that will complete like this. Now, there are a number of apps that you can use Text Expander, I use TypeIt4Me where you create snippets, and you type three or four characters, and it completes, and this can be a very long amount of text. This is going to be similar. You see them, you remember them. And as you go on, you’re going to save a lot of time typing, and not have to worry about misspelling words.

    Josh Long 11:05
    Actually, know that you mentioned that macOS and iOS both have had an AutoCorrect feature that you can kind of use like TypeIt4Me that kind of thing, where you type in a few characters that you’ve pre selected, and it’ll insert a bunch of text. But this predictive text is really useful. As for those scenarios, like like you were talking about, where you frequently are writing long words, and that long word just takes a while to type all the characters. And so just knowing that you can start typing the word and then hit spacebar. Once you get in the rhythm of that, with all the words that you typically use, it’s going to be so much faster for people to write a sentence.

    Kirk McElhearn 11:47
    Okay, Game Mode. No idea what it does. They say that the CPU and GPU are fully utilized by the game. I’ve got an X-box. I don’t play games on my Mac. Game Mode reduces background task usage improves latency with controllers and headphones. Do you play any games on your Mac?

    Josh Long 12:01
    No, I don’t actually on my Mac. I play a game or two occasionally on my iPhone, but no, I don’t. I don’t usually play games on my Mac.

    Kirk McElhearn 12:11
    Okay, we’ll look into this more when it’s been around for a while and we’ve heard from people who talk about how efficient it is.

    Josh Long 12:17
    Yeah, the thing that I’ve heard other people say about this is that they claim to improve latency with controllers and headphones, for better responsiveness. And that seems to be the really key feature more so than just reducing background task usage. When you’re playing a video game, especially one that’s really graphics intensive, you want your operating system to be able to sort of put everything else behind the scenes, and not have to worry about having apps running in the background and things like that. And that’s the idea behind this. The latency thing. I’m really curious actually how Apple’s doing that I need to look into that.

    Kirk McElhearn 12:51
    My guess is that they’re shutting off processes that don’t need to run, maybe it’s not going to do Time Machine, it’s not going to sync to iCloud, all those sorts of things that could be delayed when Game Mode is o. The 10th feature. I really liked the improved dictation and we’ve talked about this in the past, I dictate a lot. And before you would dictate, but you couldn’t type while you were dictating. Now the reason for this is sometimes you say something while you’re dictating but then you type something because you know the dictation is gonna get it wrong. So you start typing the dictation stops you need to start again. Now you can type and dictate at the same time. If you don’t do dictation, you may not realize how important this is. I can do a whole paragraph of a combination of typing and dictation correcting while I’m going on instead of waiting til I get to the end of the paragraph and having to go back and correct.

    Josh Long 13:42
    I do this all the time on my iPhone I have for a long time. And it’s kind of shocking to me that this already wasn’t on macOS like why is this just now being added to macOS?

    Kirk McElhearn 13:52
    Well, they did have dictation but not the dictation and typing simultaneously, which was added I believe, to iOS 16. So I think they did it on iOS first because a lot more people do it on the iPhone where you have that tiny keyboard and then why not add it to the Mac because you know it’s the same code. Alright, we’re gonna take a break when we come back, we’re going to take a closer look at two of the greatest features, desktop widgets and web apps.

    Voice Over 14:18
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    Desktop widgets and Safari web apps are two of our favorite new features in macOS Sonoma

    Kirk McElhearn 15:33
    Okay, before we get to widgets and desktop apps, there is one more thing you no longer have to say, “Hey, Siri”, you can just say “Siri”. Okay, exciting.

    Josh Long 15:43
    That’s probably not the most exciting new feature. But it is a new feature.

    Kirk McElhearn 15:47
    This is not something I use, I only invoke Siri by pressing a button. I don’t want Siri activating when I’m saying something like, “seriously now”. I’m sorry, if you had this podcast on the speaker and Siri activated, I’m sorry.

    Josh Long 16:01
    I’ve seen this go off in meetings before. Even with “Hey Siri”, I’ve seen it go off in meetings before. And that’s not something that I want to ever happen. Not only that, but I don’t like the idea of somebody else being able to activate it. And Apple’s not really ever had a feature to recognize your specific voice and only allow Hey, Siri to work for your voice. That has always really bothered me, too. So this is not a feature that I ever plan to use.

    Kirk McElhearn 16:30
    Okay, we want to talk about desktop widgets. And I think this is a pretty cool feature. If you’ve been using a Mac for a long time, you remember Dashboard, which was back in macOS 10 10.4. And Dashboard, you’d press a key or you’d move your cursor to a hot corner. And you would get this overlay of the desktop with a bunch of widgets. And some of the widgets were from Apple, and some were from third parties. They were all in the kind of Aqua interface that Apple had at the time. And they were really useful. Apple got rid of that a couple years ago. They brought widgets back to Notification Center, which never really worked for me. But now there’s widgets everywhere. You’ve got widgets, on the iPhone, on the iPad on lock screens on home screens, you’ve got widgets on the Apple Watch, which I don’t know about you, it’s a little bit disconcerting that when you turn the digital crown, you see widgets now.

    Josh Long 17:23
    I do remember when this feature came out, I used to use widgets all the time back in macOS 10 Tiger in 10.4. They did keep it around for a few years, even after they removed it from new macOS installs, it was possible for a little while to with upgrade installs continue using the Dashboard. But eventually they just killed it off. I used it as long as I could, with all the upgrade macOS upgrades that I did. But ever since then, yeah, I haven’t really felt the need to ever go back and use widgets. Again, I this is one of those features that I feel like I don’t think I’m really going to use with macOS or iOS even

    Kirk McElhearn 18:02
    Oh, you don’t have any on iOS. I have a whole screen. So when I’m on my main home screen, and I swipe right to go to the left, I have a whole screen with things like weather, battery and a bunch of other widgets. But I don’t mix them up on my home screens that just–I find that that bothers my OCD a little bit. On the Mac, it’s interesting. So widgets, generally present contextual information. So in the article I have on the Intego Mac Security blog, you’ll see some examples. I show one with a battery widget, I show one with a clock widget. They’re not really widgets that you interact with, right? They give you information when you click them, maybe they open apps, but they’re the kind of things that you generally glance at to get information. On my laptop, I already have a battery meter in the menu bar. So I don’t need a battery widget. But if you’re connecting Bluetooth devices to your Mac, having that widget showing the level of battery on your keyboard, trackpad, mouse, whatever headphones is really useful. I often well I regularly get notifications, “Your Smart Keyboard is almost out of power plug it in.” And I keep thinking Why don’t you tell me when it’s down to 20%. But it waits till the last minute. So this is actually one I might put on my iMac just to keep an eye on battery levels. I currently have I’m going to tell you about widgets. On my Mac, I have four widgets. One is the weather in my location. Another one is my calendar app, which shows what I have to do for the day. Another one is the stocks app with exchange rates because most of my clients were in the US so I want to keep an eye on exchange rates. And the fourth one is the Home app with a couple of scenes that I have such as turning the light on next to my desk and a couple of other and the problem with that is if the names of your scenes are long, they get truncated and you can’t tell what they are. I don’t really want these widgets to be visible. And I’ve mentioned that I use Stage Manager where one window is in the center and you’ve got some stuff From the outside, I don’t want to be distracted by the widgets. So I put them in the center of the screen. If I click the desktop, the windows hide kind of like Dashboard back in the day, I can see those widgets, and then come back.

    Josh Long 20:11
    You know, you’re starting to convince me, maybe I will try this out. I like the idea of, for example, I have an Apple Magic Mouse, and the batteries die on it fairly quickly, I use rechargeable batteries that I’ve been using for many years and meaning so I have to replace the batteries pretty often, I could kind of see that widget being helpful. And I could potentially, maybe I could start using the calendar widget that might be kind of a useful URL and the clock also, you know, I work with people overseas a lot, and so could be kind of useful, they have a few of those clocks. In fact, that’s one of the things I used to use Dashboard for this is all coming back to me now, the widgets that I used to use on the Dashboard years and years ago, so maybe I will try this out, I’ll have to give it a shot.

    Kirk McElhearn 20:57
    You can have a world clock with up to I believe four different time zones. If you set the time zones in the clock app, you can show the four different time zones for different cities. And so I have that set up for people I work with in Paris, in Los Angeles, in Japan and in California, like you. And it’s really practical. One of the cool things about widgets on the Mac with Sonoma is that you can use widgets from your phone. So if you have an app on your iPhone that has widgets, these widgets are immediately available on the Mac. This is pretty powerful, because you may have an app that’s really important on your phone that doesn’t even exist on your Mac. So you can still view the information on your phone. Now you can’t interact with the app, right, but you can view information.

    Josh Long 21:42
    Now one thing that I’m really curious about maybe you’ve experimented with this, I see a lot of people talking about this feature and saying it’s really useful to be able to add widgets. The whole idea behind this is there isn’t a Mac app that has this widget but there is an iOS app that has this widget. And so what happens if you add a widget from your iPhone, and then your iPhone and your Mac are not near each other? What happens then?

    Kirk McElhearn 22:08
    Well, in that case, you won’t see it on the Mac. This is assuming that the two devices are near each other, I didn’t test to see how close they probably just have to be on the same Wi Fi network. Or as we know for Continuity and Handoff within about 100 feet for Bluetooth and Wi Fi. Actually, it’s something I’ll test and I’ll get back to you next week on that. Another thing I had a friend test today, I’ve never used two monitors on my Mac and I had a friend test. And you can put widgets on the second monitor. So if you don’t want to be distracted by widgets on the main display, and you have a second display, you can stick all your widgets there you can cover with widgets. The only thing is when you disconnect the monitor, they don’t come back to the main display. It wasn’t really clear. He did some testing, they do come back when you connect the second monitor again. But it’s not really clear if this is a very smooth process. But it’s worth considering that if you have a second display, and you don’t want the widgets distracting you that that’s a good way to do it.

    Josh Long 23:01
    Apple has been pretty good for many, many years with working well with multiple displays where things usually windows usually snap back to where they were, once you reconnect a display that has previously been connected, as long as you still have those same windows open. By the way, Windows is terrible at this and always has been. So this is a nice advantage of the Mac. So I can I can imagine that probably that’s the same case is with windows snapping back to where they were before that widgets will probably do the same thing.

    Kirk McElhearn 23:31
    My friend was very surprised when he was trying this because he didn’t care about widgets. Even though he was a big Dashboard user, he was surprised that you could add the same widget twice. And I said, Well, of course what if you want to see weather in two locations? Or if you want to follow two different stock or currency things, there are lots of reasons why you would want to have multiple widgets, you might have six widgets, each one to follow a stock price, or you know widgets for the weather where you work or the weather where you travel, often that sort of thing. So you can have multiple widgets, it’s really flexible. And I really want you to try it out and tell me next week or when you’ve got some time to see if this convinces you. The idea of hiding them all behind the Windows is what really works for me because I just don’t want to be distracted by all these things. One of the things I’ll point out is that I have a batteries widget on my iMac that shows my keyboard, but also my Logitech mouse. I’m surprised that this works. But it must go through Apple’s Bluetooth settings to be able to display this. So it’s not just Apple devices that can show up there. That’s really useful because about a week ago, all of a sudden, my mouse didn’t work. And I realized that it had run out of power and I didn’t get notification. And so this is the kind of thing that I want to keep my eye on. In fact, the keyboards getting pretty low. I hope it lasts to the end of this recording. Okay, so the other main feature we want to talk about is web apps and how to use web apps why you should so a web app really simply is like a mini browser. If you go to a website, like the Intego Mac Security blog, you click on the share button in Safari, and you choose Add to Dock. And what that does is it adds an icon to the Dock. And you click that icon and you open a new app that only shows that website. There’s no tab bar, you can’t add new tabs, you can’t add new windows. It’s not technically private browsing, but it’s browsing that’s isolated from all the rest of your browser. And what I like about this is, there are websites that I use a lot. And it’s a question of having tabs, or web apps and web apps can be really practical, because I can just switch to a web app by pressing Command Tab using the application switch or clicking the dock. Instead of hunting for a tab. I can even keep a web app open in one window and shuffled through other tabs in the Safari window. It’s a really practical way to use the web, if there are websites that you use frequently.

    Josh Long 25:58
    Right, as a feature, this has been available on iOS, almost since the beginning of the iPhone. That was how Steve Jobs initially told people to make apps for the iPhone before there was an App Store. He said, make a web app, just save it to your iPhone home screen. And now you’ve got an app that can launch and go directly into a website in sort of a full screen interface. That’s only that website. So now we have that finally, as a built in feature on the Mac with macOS Sonoma. There are a lot of practical uses for this. I mentioned earlier that sometimes you may not necessarily want to use that new Safari feature in macOS Sonoma, where you have your work and home profiles, for example, or other profiles set up. Sometimes you might just want one app that is just used for that one purpose, maybe just to access that one website. And so you don’t really need a whole extra like tab group or a different profile in your browser. And you don’t need to open an entire other separate browser. For that. You just want one website to run as though it were an app.

    Kirk McElhearn 27:08
    Another feature I like about web apps is you can change the size of the window and macOS Sonoma will remember the window size the next time you open it. So my Safari window is pretty tall, pretty wide, that’d be able to see a lot of tabs, I’ve got to be able to see certain websites that need the view to be fairly wide. But there are other websites where I don’t need to see so much. So I can make smaller windows that are easy to tile, if you have want to have multiple windows on the screen. It’s really practical. So if you’re looking at a website in a web app, and you want to view it in Safari, you can click the share button in the web app and click open in Safari. Alternatively, if you’re in Safari, and you have a web app for the site you visiting Safari will display a little banner with an open button to open it in the web app. So you can go both ways very quickly.

    Josh Long 27:54
    One more useful feature is there’s a Privacy tab in the Privacy and Security settings per app. And basically, the one thing that you can do with this is you can clear website data, you can also set the privacy and security settings for that particular website. For example, if you need it to be able to access your camera, you can do things like that. But you can also clear the website data. So if you just want to reset your web app, and you know not be logged in anymore, you can hit that clear website data button and start from scratch.

    Kirk McElhearn 28:25
    Of course, you will have to log in again when you go back to that website. Right. Okay, so those are the two features that we liked the most widgets that Josh is totally resistant to but he’s going to try out and web apps that Josh actually likes. And I think everyone should try out if there are websites that you visit often. One thing to point out, you can’t use any extensions in web apps. So if you have like content blockers, or if you use a password manager that needs an extension, you can’t do that in a web app. It’s a really limited version of Safari. Basically, it’s a wrapper for WebKit, which we talk about often, which is the rendering engine Safari uses, and it doesn’t give you a whole lot of features, but it gives you the basic features to use a specific website. Until next week, Josh, I look forward to hearing all the widgets you’ve got on the desktop.

    Josh Long 29:10
    All right, sounds good. Stay secure.

    Voice Over 29:14
    Thanks for listening to the Intego Mac podcast, the voice of Mac security with your host, Kirk McElhearn, and Josh Long. To get every weekly episode, be sure to follow us on Apple podcasts, or subscribe in your favorite podcast app. And, if you can, leave a rating, a like or review. Links to topics and information mentioned in the podcast can be found in the show notes for the episode at The Intego website is also where to find details on the full line of Intego security and utility software.

    About Kirk McElhearn

    Kirk McElhearn writes about Apple products and more on his blog Kirkville. He is co-host of the Intego Mac Podcast, as well as several other podcasts, and is a regular contributor to The Mac Security Blog, TidBITS, and several other websites and publications. Kirk has written more than two dozen books, including Take Control books about Apple's media apps, Scrivener, and LaunchBar. Follow him on Twitter at @mcelhearn. View all posts by Kirk McElhearn →