The “Wonderlust” Apple Event – Intego Mac Podcast Episode 309
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Kirk McElhearn
This week, Apple introduced new Apple Watch and iPhone models. We look at all the new features, and we discuss recent Apple security updates to older operating systems, new Mac malware, and patches to Chrome and Firefox for serious vulnerabilities.
- Apple patches 2 actively exploited vulns in macOS Ventura, iOS 16, watchOS 9
- A plethora of Pegasus patches: Chrome, old Apple OSes get updates
- New ‘MetaStealer’ malware targets Intel-based macOS systems
- Everything Apple announced at its “Wonderlust” event: iPhone 15, Watch Series 9, and more
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Transcript of Intego Mac Podcast episode 309
Voice Over 0:00
This is the Intego Mac Podcast, the voice of Mac security, for Thursday, September 14, 2023.
Voice Over 0:14
This week’s Intego Mac Podcast has an overview of Apple’s latest additions to its iPhone and Apple Watch lines announced at this week’s Wonderlust Apple Event. Now, here are the hosts of the Intego Mac podcast: veteran Mac journalist Kirk McElhearn and Intego’s Chief Security Analyst, Josh Long.
Kirk McElhearn 0:33
Good morning, Josh, how are you today?
Josh Long 0:35
I’m doing well. How are you, Kirk?
Kirk McElhearn 0:37
I’m doing just fine. So let’s get to the meat of this episode. How much money are you spending after yesterday’s Apple event?
Josh Long 0:44
Well, it’s looking like probably $399. Because I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be getting my wife a shiny new Apple Watch Series 9
Kirk McElhearn 0:53
No new iPhone, no new Apple Watch for yourself?
Josh Long 0:57
Well, no, because my wife and I both have our iPhone 14 Pro, in my case, and Pro Max in her case, and they’re still working fine for us. My Watch is a Series 5. And actually, before we started recording, Kirk was like, Hey, what’s your battery health on that Series 5. And I was like, I don’t know, I’ve never actually thought to check on my Watch before. So I checked it out. And it’s 74% of maximum capacity, which is not so great. But I’ve had it several years. And it’s all right. I mean, I mostly work at a desk and so I can plug it in and charge it once or twice a day if I need to. It’s not that big of a deal.
Kirk McElhearn 1:36
We discussed this earlier, we’re going to do an episode on battery health at some time in the future, because it’s something not too many people think of. It represents the maximum capacity that a battery can charge. And over time through charge cycles that capacity reduces, which means your battery doesn’t last as long and you have to charge it more. And it’s a good sign that you need to replace your battery and not replace your device. But we’ll do that in another episode. Today, we want to start out by talking about a few actively exploited vulnerabilities in macOS Ventura, iOS 16 and WatchOS 9 that were patched in almost record time.
Recent patches from Apple, Google and Firefox
Josh Long 2:09
That’s right. There were two vulnerabilities that were patched. Only one of them applied to macOS Ventura, only one of them applied to WatchOS and both of them applied to iOS and iPadOS. Apple patched them last week on September 7. And interestingly, this week on Monday, September 11, Apple released patches for the one previous version of iOS, so we got iPadOS and iOS 15 updates. And we also got updates for the two previous versions of macOS, which was a little bit surprising because honestly, most people thought that Big Sur was never getting a security patch again, because we’re so close to macOS Sonoma’s release. But Apple did in fact patch that one vulnerability for all of those one or two previous operating systems. By the way, these are all vulnerabilities that came to light because of the NSO group’s Pegasus spyware being exploited on an iPhone just a week before this. So when Apple patched all this stuff on the 7th, this was just a week after the Citizen Lab had reported to Apple that, Hey, we found a vulnerability exploit chain, this is a big deal. And Apple got on that really quickly and patched these things right away. And also even went back and patched the previous operating systems. And then Google released a patch on Monday. And Firefox, it turns out has the same vulnerability, the same CVE number even though this is kind of unusual, because a lot of times because the browser’s are a little bit different. They have a different rendering engine. But Firefox patched the same vulnerability yesterday on Tuesday. So we can expect that any browser that is based on Firefox or Chrome, you know, Chromium-based browsers, so that would be Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi. All of those are going to get updates over the coming days if they have not already by the time you’re listening to this. So pretty significant news.
Kirk McElhearn 4:14
But Firefox doesn’t use the Chromium browser engine does it?
Josh Long 4:18
That’s correct. Yeah, it has its own separate browser engine. But interestingly, the vulnerability number, the CVE number is the same. So they have the same flaw that could be exploited in the same way is what that essentially means.
Kirk McElhearn 4:31
We also have some macOS malware called macOS MetaStealer. Does it steal things from Facebook? Is that why it’s called MetaStealer?
Josh Long 4:38
There’s another one too. So we’ve mentioned AtomicStealer before. Atomic Stealer, came back with a new campaign. And there’s also this thing called MetaStealer. These are being used in the wild in the case of MetaStealer and targeted attacks. The main thing that you need to know about this because we know you’re really tuning in to get to the good stuff like what happened in the Apple Event, right? So I will keep it simple and just say if you’re using Intego Virus Barrier, you are already protected from this malware. So don’t worry too much about the Stealer malware as long as you’ve got Virus Barrier installed.
What new Apple Watches were announced at the Apple Wonderlust Event?
Kirk McElhearn 5:12
Okay, so let’s get on to the Apple Wonderlust event. We were talking about this before we started recording, what does Wonderlust mean? Did they mention it? I don’t think we need to pay any attention to that, there is no Kremlinology to try and figure out what this means. It was just a word that someone in marketing came up with, and they thought it sounded cool. Only two devices got updated. Well, two families of devices, the Apple Watch and the iPhone, which is pretty standard for this time of year. But Apple spent about a half an hour on their environmental record their desire to make things carbon neutral, etc, which is laudable. But they spent a lot of time didn’t they?
Josh Long 5:51
Yeah, they did. They had a whole entire advertisement right in the middle of the live stream, with Octavia Spencer playing Mother Earth. And you know, Tim Cook, by the way, starred in this along with a few other members of the Apple team. Yeah, it was, it was a little bit silly I have to say. Lisa Jackson of course got her opportunity to shine talking about all the green initiatives. So she was both in the ad and then also was featured in the live stream after that. So yeah, lots and lots to say about how Apple is going carbon neutral on their new Watches, and so forth. A lot of green stuff coming from Apple.
Kirk McElhearn 6:36
It’s certainly… they’re going in an interesting direction. One of the things they’ve done is they’ve replaced all their leather iPhone cases and watch bands, and they have a new type of material, they’re calling fine woven, which is a textile material. Now, in my experience of having a couple of leather Apple watch bands, they don’t wear well. I have way too many Apple watch bands, so I wear them like every week I change. And the leather watch bands I’ve had with a couple of months of wear over the years are really worn out. I kind of wonder if… it’s not clear if Apple is doing this for environmental reasons, because the cows are still going to emit methane out in the field, whether Apple has leather watch bands or not, I don’t know if tanning the leather makes that big a difference. But the amount of leather that Apple uses is a drop in the bucket. However, let’s give them credit for trying to move forward. Interesting that Apple sells a Hermes branded watch and watch bands. So Hermes is the French luxury company, and Hermes had a number of leather bands that they’re no longer selling through Apple, but that they are selling through their stores. So it’s really they Apple can’t stop a company like that from selling leather watch bands. But if you want a leather Hermes watch band, you have to go through the company instead of Apple. So this is the first year in a while that I’m not spending anything. The Apple Watch Series 9 has a couple of tiny features compared to the Apple Watch Series 8, which I have. So I had a 6. I didn’t buy a 7, I have an 8 and I won’t buy a 9. Apparently the 10 is going to be a new design. The features that they’ve added are… they just seem to be really minor, it’s a little bit brighter. There’s a sort of a double tap you can do to act on buttons. Now this already exists in the Accessibility settings, but it’s slightly different. I’m not sure how yet, and it’s a little bit brighter. And what else is there? A faster processor. Have you ever thought that the processor on your Apple Watch Series 5 is too slow?
Josh Long 8:37
It’s not something that most people ever think about right? (No.) Like you might you might notice that maybe your watch feels a little bit slow. Maybe especially if you’ve got an older model the battery’s starting to wear out you’ve got you know the latest version….
Kirk McElhearn 8:51
But wait,Josh. Josh slow doing what? Telling the time does it mean that an hour or less an hour and five minutes? Because it’s slow?
Josh Long 8:56
No, no, no. But sometimes the responsiveness of even just built in apps sometimes can feel a little bit laggy. I’ve seen that happen before on the watches. So….
Kirk McElhearn 9:05
Okay, fair point.
Josh Long 9:07
And by the way, Kirk, your your way under selling the brightness change because it’s two times as bright. It’s 2000 nits on the basic Series 9 model versus only 1000 nits on the Series 8 and earlier. So yeah,
Kirk McElhearn 9:24
and the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is 3000 nits. They’re just pie when those nits into those watches. Actually, there’s one cool thing it can go down to only one nit. So if you’re in a dark area, you won’t annoy people. That I find really nice. There is another feature on both of these models that would actually be useful. It’s On-Device Siri. So I guess having the newer faster processor with the neural engine allows Siri commands to be carried out on the watch instead of going to the server. Now I notice if I’m not in the same room with my iPhone, and I tell my watch turn on these lights in the bedroom for something. “I’m sorry I can’t do that now.” And I don’t know why it doesn’t work over Wi Fi, it should, but it doesn’t. So the On-Device Siri is actually a nice addition.
Josh Long 10:10
I have to say that that was one of the surprises that I really appreciated, because there were some rumors that there’s not gonna be any Siri updates until next year. And that was really disappointing to me if that were true, because we’re surrounded by AI on all sides, right? Like, it’s in the news all over the place. Everybody’s talking about it, Microsoft and Google and everybody, right, for Apple to not move Siri forward at all, when we have other technologies that we can go to. Instead, we’ve got Bing AI, we’ve got ChatGPT. We’ve got Google’s Bard, all of these things that we can go to as a personal assistant basically, and say, Hey, give me an answer on this thing. Why are people going to go to Siri anymore if it’s not advancing any further, so I was really happy to see that, at least they’re making some changes. So Siri is going to be faster for non cloud requiring tasks because of being able to run on-device. And the other thing is that they say later this year, Siri is also going to be able to handle health related queries, which is really cool. We’re getting a couple of some would say minor updates to Siri. But I’m glad to see that they’re incrementing it and not waiting an entire year before they’re releasing new updates to Siri.
Kirk McElhearn 11:31
I’ll tell you a secret. They didn’t have any other new features. So they had to come up with something. I hate to say it. But this is a pretty weak year, when you look at the Apple Watch. There’s no new design, there’s, okay, there’s a new material for Apple watch bands. But that’s not a big deal. There’s really not much the Apple Watch Ultra 2 gets the few features we talked about plus it goes up to 3000 nits it’s like I don’t want to say will be but will be to be fair. They’ve got some new added underwater features and a new depth app for the Apple Watch Ultra 2. And if you’d like to go in the water and get wet, these can be helpful. But other than that, it’s pretty weak year.
Josh Long 12:07
But Kirk, they also mentioned that Name Drop is coming to WatchOS.
Kirk McElhearn 12:11
Name Drop is coming to WatchOS. But I believe that that’s going to be on all models, regardless whether they’re new or old. I didn’t look the compatibility, but I’m pretty sure it’s anything with an NFC chip.
Josh Long 12:22
Yeah, I’m not sure what models support it. But yeah, I did get that impression during the presentation that this is more of a WatchOS feature and not necessarily so much of a Series 9 and Ultra 2 specific feature named dropped by the way is the thing we’re just like with the iPhone. Apple announced this at WWDC that, if you bring two iPhones close together, then you can share contact information. Well, you can now do the same thing as well with the Apple Watch. If you have a recent enough watch model.
Kirk McElhearn 12:54
And if the other person does. So if you meet a stranger on the train, you can bump your watch up to their watch before you get off and you can have their phone number and you can see what happens. Let’s take a break when we come back we’ll talk about the plethora of new features added to the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro.
Voice Over 13:13
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What new iPhones were announced at the Apple Wonderlust Event?
Kirk McElhearn 14:28
Okay, we had hardly any new features for the Apple Watch models and we have the iPhone with I don’t want to say hardly any new features, but hardly any new features. Here’s the thing. In recent years Apple has introduced features on the Pro models with the iPhone then brought them to the standard models a year later. Last year was a big change in the iPhone camera for the iPhone Pro models. It went up to 48 megapixels which was a big change from a 12 megapixel camera they’d had for years. This year the 48 megapixel camera comes to the standard iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus models. So that’s a pretty good deal. They also get brightness up to 2000 nits—everything’s got brightness up to 2000 nits all of a sudden—there is a feature that I think is kind of interesting, Voice Isolation. So if you’re on a phone call in a noisy area, and Apple showed this in a farmers market, you turn on Voice Isolation that eliminates the background sounds and your voice will sound clear. That’s pretty practical.
Josh Long 15:25
However, however, the way that they demonstrated it and made it look like this is something you have to manually turn on. And so right, the person on the other end of the call was like, Oh, I’m having trouble hearing you or something. And the person was like, Oh, hang on, and then they turned on this feature. It’s like, Wait, shouldn’t it automatically turn on like, that’s really obnoxious if you’ve got to know that somebody else is having trouble hearing you and turn it on manually.
Kirk McElhearn 15:50
Okay, the other feature in the US only is a Roadside Assistance via Satellite feature. And it’s true that, I mean, I’m in the UK, I can’t imagine being in many places where I’d be outside of cellular reception entirely. But if your car breaks down in the US, you’re in the desert in the middle of nowhere, out on route 66, you may not have cellular access. If you have a problem, you can use this roadside assistance by satellite, which is similar to the SOS emergency by satellite that Apple introduced last year. AAA is going to come and fix your tires and sort you out or tow your car, whatever necessary. If you’re out of cellular range, I think this is a good idea. We’ll see this in other countries potentially. Again, coverage in the UK is really good in most of the country, maybe up in Scotland or out in Wales in less populated areas, it would be a problem.
Josh Long 16:41
By the way, this Roadside Assistance via Satellite, as I understand it is also coming to all models that currently support Emergency SOS. So this is not exclusive to the new iPhone, either. Some of the other things that are also coming to the iPhone 15 base model where they’re getting the A-16 Bionic chip, which is the same one that was in the iPhone 14 Pro last year. Basically, if you were looking at a 14 Pro last year, and thinking oh man, like that’s got some really good features, but I can’t quite afford it. And maybe I’ll wait another year. Well, guess what if you got the 15 This year, the basic 15 model, the cameras significantly improved. It’s got a much better processor that was basically last year’s Pro processor. It’s actually a pretty impressive base model. Now, I mean, for 800 bucks, like you can get a really nice phone I think with the 15.
Kirk McElhearn 17:37
Okay, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, they come in a new case material, Titanium. This doesn’t sound very exciting because I always put a case on my iPhone, but it is substantially wider you save about what 30 grams on I think it was the Pro Max compared to from the 14 Pro Max and 15 Pro Max is about a 30 gram difference. It’s thicker by about a half a millimeter, which might be just enough that it won’t fit in the case for your iPhone 14 Pro or Pro Max, length and width a tiny smidgen smaller, because they say that they’ve got what did they call it the smallest borders ever? Remember when these call them bezels? They’re not calling them bezels anymore? They’re calling them borders, which is a more human term, right?
Josh Long 18:20
Yeah, “the thinnest borders ever” is how they put it. Yeah.
Kirk McElhearn 18:23
Yeah, I guess the big hardware feature is the Action Button. So this replaces the Silent Mode toggle switch, which the iPhone has probably had since the very first model. And now it’s a button by default, you press it, it will silence or on silence ringtones and other audio. But you can map it to other things, you can map it to turn on the flashlight, the magnifier or to run Shortcuts or a whole bunch of things. This is a nice addition. But I wouldn’t upgrade my phone just to have an Action Button.
Josh Long 18:50
I have mixed feelings about this. I think overall, this is probably a good move in terms of like the flexibility of that space, that toggle switch used to take up and now will be the Action Button. But the problem is that for some people who really use that switch a lot and like to be able to just glance at their phone and know that silent mode is on or not, you’re not going to be able to see at a glance anymore. Like now you’re going to have to actually activate your phone and check to see whether silent mode is on which is not great. The other thing that you could do actually with the Action Button, there’s distinct haptic feedback for each state. If you’re using that Action Button to silence your phone or unsilent your phone. You can do that in your pocket. You can just put your thumb on it or whatever and silence or unsilent it and tell by the vibration, whether it’s silenced or on silenced, but it’s it’s still a little bit of an extra step if you’re used to just looking at it and glancing at it. However, on the plus side Add, there’s a lot of stuff that you can do with this. And Apple really made this very programmable. You can even do custom shortcuts. So you can have it do a whole routine just by pressing the button, which is actually really impressive.
Kirk McElhearn 20:13
Right, but you can only program it to do one thing. And that is a bit limiting. I would like to ideally see in the future, maybe one press does one thing, a double press does another, a triple press does another. That that would be interesting. The other big change is the camera. And every year we get changes in cameras and Apple we talked about recently there were there was talk of a periscopic lens, which is a lens basically on a right angle, to have a longer focal length like a telephoto lens, you need a longer lens, and Apple came up with a clever way of doing this, they call it a Tetra prism, basically, it’s a prism where the light bounces off four times. And instead of having a long space, they can compress this with the prism. So instead of having a long space, the prism compresses this distance, and they can have the equivalent of a 120 millimeter lens. Now, this is the first time that Apple has spoken about their lenses in millimeters. If you use a I want to say a real camera, you talk about lenses in an equivalent focal length. And this is based on either a full frame camera or a film camera. A 50 millimeter lens is sort of the standard lens that most people had with film cameras. When Apple talks about a wide camera and ultra wide, they talk about a 2x and a 5x Zoom. It means nothing to photographers, they showed a graphic in the keynote and I took a screenshot and I put in my article on the Intego Mac Security blog showing the various focal lengths available. It goes from macro to 13 millimeters 24 millimeters, 28, 35, 48 and 120. Now if you are a photographer and use a real camera that immediately tells you what sort of field of view you’ll be able to capture with the iPhone. And while most people won’t understand this, I think it’s a good idea for Apple to start adopting this language going forward.
Josh Long 22:01
And as somebody who knows very little about photography, I’ll have to take your word for that, Kirk.
Kirk McElhearn 22:07
Well consider this. So back in the film days, everyone would get a 50 millimeter lens it would be called a “nifty fifty”. It was generally an inexpensive lens that more or less reproduced what you saw with the human eyes, some people say 45 millimeters 50 millimeters, it’s something like that. So you know that if you’re shooting around 50 millimeters or in Apple’s case, you have a 48 millimeter that’s going to reproduce what you see, a wider lens is going to take in more and a narrower lens a telephoto lens is going to take in less. And when you’re using a camera with multiple lenses, you start to understand what these mean. Again, most people won’t care but I think it’s good to change this language. One of the biggest surprises the absolute no one saw this coming is that the iPhone is now switching from lightning to USB-C. No one except everyone saw this coming because the European Union required it even though I’ve seen a lot of US journalists saying oh well this is Apple had been planning this for years. And I don’t think so I think it’s because the European Union required it and I believe it has to be anything sold by March of next year. I don’t remember what the date is. And so finally USB-C that’s a good thing because I’ve looked around at my Apple devices the only thing that I have that doesn’t have USB-C is my AirPods. The plain AirPods, they charged with Lightening my AirPods Max charge with Lightening both of my iPads and iPad Pro and an iPad Mini. Both of my Mac’s were all three of my max, a iMac, MacBook Air and Mac mini they all have USB-C so the iPhone is the last holdout for lightning.
Josh Long 23:43
So this was not surprising from a lot of different perspectives. But yes, it is nice to see USB-C now coming to the iPhone as well, not everybody necessarily agrees with that, you know you’ve got people with an entire box full of Lightning cables that they’ve collected over the years. Although if you’re we’re really being honest, a lot of those are probably frayed and broken or third party cables, it’s probably time it’s time to upgrade. Now, a really important point on this whole USB-C thing is a lot of people made the assumption that if Apple was going to USB-C that means we’re going to get faster syncing and faster backup to your Mac. Not so much on the base models the 15 and 15 Plus, you’re only getting USB 2.0 transfer speeds the same thing as we’ve been getting on lightning for all this time ever since lightning came out. That’s not so great. It at least if you’re getting the Pro or pro Max, you do get faster speeds than that you do get USB 3.0 transfer speeds which is up to 10 gigabits per second, which is actually it’s it’s pretty decent. It’s not the same thing as Thunderbolt speeds which you actually do get on the iPad Pro But for whatever reason, Apple decided not to go with the full Thunderbolt speed on the Pro models.
Kirk McElhearn 25:07
Worth noting that you’ll have to buy a separate cable because the cable that comes with your iPhone Pro and Pro Max will not support those faster speeds. That’s a bit cheap on Apple’s part, isn’t it?
Josh Long 25:19
Yeah, I agree. I mean, at the very least Come on, like this is this is the Pro model. Like why are people buying the Pro model if not to get all the pro features so so you’re just going to include the USB 2.0 Speed transfer cable? Oh my goodness, come on Apple.
Kirk McElhearn 25:34
Okay. There’s a change to iCloud Plus storage plans that iCloud Plus has been limited to two terabytes for wild Apples now offering six and 12 terabyte plans costing 30 and $60 a month respectively. I can’t imagine what I would do with that much data in the cloud. I mean, I use Backblaze for online backups. And I believe it’s $70 a year it’s going up to $100 a year next year. But if I had to pay $60 a month for the same kind of thing. That’s awfully expensive. Now I’ve seen people say that this is competitive with what Google charges for their storage? I don’t know I’ve never really thought about having that much cloud storage. That seems like a lot. I don’t know who really needs that other than professionals don’t know.
Josh Long 26:18
Yeah, I think probably what they’re looking to do is like, let’s say that you have, you know, a family plan, right? You’ve got all your devices, everybody in the whole family wants to backup to your Family Sharing iCloud account. So you’ve got maybe half a dozen iPhones, maybe you’ve got some iPads, maybe you’ve even got some Macs, and you want to backup all of that stuff to one place. Well, maybe one of these like six or 12, I don’t know 12 terabytes is like, that’s a lot. I mean, you really, really have to have a lot of data to backup your entire Mac and everything else to to the iCloud with 12 terabytes, whoo.
Kirk McElhearn 27:02
Okay, I just want to finish by saying that we’ve been a bit dismissive of, you know, tiny, incremental upgrades, because we’re comparing them to last year’s models. If you are like normal people, you probably upgrade every two or three years, and you will have an accumulation of tiny features over those two or three years. So these could be compelling upgrades. If you don’t have an iPhone 14 Pro, for example, you don’t have that 48 megapixel camera, if you’ve got an iPhone 12 or 13, it’s a big leap to the base iPhone 15 to get that extra camera. And the same with the Apple Watch. If you’re a few years back, you get a bunch of features that have been added over the years, and they all look small, year by year. But if you think of a two or three year upgrade cycle, that can be a lot more compelling, then you know what we’re used to?
Josh Long 27:50
Exactly, yeah, 100% Agree. While a lot of people are saying, you know, these are really minor improvements. Yes. But cumulatively, if you’re upgrading from an older model, you definitely get a lot of bang for your buck, I would say with both the watch and the phone.
Kirk McElhearn 28:06
One more thing. Can we do one more thing we don’t do that often. We have release dates for iOS and iPadOS 17, which is September 18. Of one with WatchOS 10 macOS Sonoma coming out on September 26. This is earlier than we expected. I think this is the first time in what more than five years that macOS has been released in September. It was
Josh Long 28:25
five years ago. Yeah with MacOS Mojave. 10 point 14. That was the last time 2018 was the last time that we got a September release for macOS. This is actually really cool. And it makes me wonder if Apple is planning on aligning those dates to at least be within the same month going forward again. But I like it. I mean, that’s great. It’s the only thing is for some software developers that might be a little bit nerve wracking because if you thought you had an entire extra month to finish polishing up your product. Well now you’ve got a couple of weeks, so get on that.
Kirk McElhearn 29:00
Okay, that’s enough for this week. Until next week, just stay secure.
Josh Long 29:03
All right, stay secure.
Voice Over 29:05
Thanks for listening to the Intego Mac Podcast—the voice of Mac security—with your hosts, Kirk McElhearn and Josh Long. To get every weekly episode, be sure to follow us on Apple Podcasts, or subscribe in your favorite podcast app. And, if you can, leave a rating, a like, or a review. Links to topics and information mentioned in the podcast can be found in the show notes for the episode The Intego website is also where to find details on the full line of Intego security and utility software: