Intego Mac Security Podcast

Facebook, privacy, and logins – Intego Mac Podcast, Episode 24

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New Intego Mac Podcast Episode

The Intego Mac Podcast episode 24 is now available!

After a look at recent news—about the unveiling of a new 100 TB SSD, storing data in DNA, and more—hosts Kirk and Josh discuss whether your smart speaker is spying on you, and then examine what could happen if you delete your Facebook account. Could you still log in on all the websites where you used your Facebook profile?

Find out all that and more in our latest episode!

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A new episode is available weekly, every Wednesday. Want your question aired in our next episode of the Intego Mac Podcast? Listeners and fans of the podcast can contact Intego via email at [email protected] and ask us any question that your burning heart desires, or to provide feedback and ideas for upcoming podcast episodes.