Intego’s Dual Protection Name Used by Symantec
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Peter James
Intego has learned that Symantec has released an antivirus product bearing the name Dual Protection. Intego is the owner of a trademark registration for the mark DP DUAL PROTECTION in France (registered on January 17, 2007) and an international trademark registration for that mark (registered on July 2, 2007) in the United States, the European Community (27 countries), Switzerland, Monaco, Australia, and Japan. In the United States, Intego has applied to the Patent and Trademark Office to register the DP DUAL PROTECTION mark; Intego claims rights to this mark in the United States. Intego also owns the domain name, which it registered on January 15, 2007. Symantec’s use of the name Dual Protection is without authorization from Intego. Symantec is not affiliated with or connected to Intego, and Symantec’s products do not originate with Intego. Intego takes its trademark and intellectual property rights seriously, and plans to ensure that these rights are respected.
Intego has three Dual Protection products: