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Learning to Love Spotlight

I had occasion to talk with a couple friends that had just switched to Windows 8 in the last few weeks, from earlier versions of the Windows OS. They were both expressing some serious bafflement about the new design and were telling me how difficult they found it to do simple things like finding files. Not that anyone would really accuse me of being a Mac Fangirl, as my own computer ecosystem is really a mixture of most popular OSes, but I couldn’t resist telling them how Spotlight would solve the woes they were discussing.

As I mentioned in a previous article, the moment I really came to love Spotlight was a time when I was looking for a document whose name I’d forgotten – I knew it contained the word “ninja,” and that was about it. You can certainly do this sort of search on Windows, but holy wow is it fast with Spotlight! No need to start up a pot of coffee or do some laundry while I wait, staring at that stupid Microsoft Search dog.

So, here are a few things you can do with Spotlight so you too can experience the joy of simple, painless searching and navigation.

Spotlight has a few other nifty tricks up its sleeve that you might find handy:

Spotlight is another example of how OS X is full of things that make many people have not yet discovered that can be incredibly powerful. In some ways, OS X has developed in two separate tracks: one that is very graphical and easily grasped by total newbs, the other that is more geared towards the power user. The latter usually takes some digging to discover, but once you do, it makes your day-to-day tasks very quick and easy.

Are you new to Mac?

Want to get the most out of your new MacBook, iMac or other Apple computer? Whether this is your first laptop or you’ve just switched from Windows, there are a few things you should know about your new Mac, like basic keyboard shortcuts or how to use the various features macOS has to offer. Learn more about what your Mac computer can do for you at the Intego New Mac User Center: Get started now!