Latest Apple Security Update Causes Problems with Rosetta Apps on Macs Running Snow Leopard
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Peter James
A number of outlets are reporting that the latest Mac OS X security update for Snow Leopard, Security Update 2012-001, which we reported on yesterday, is causing problems on Macs running Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. According to TidBITS, “many people [who have applied the update] are reporting problems with PowerPC-based applications that rely on Snow Leopard’s Rosetta environment.”
Adam Engst of TidBITS said that he:
can confirm that on my Mac Pro running 10.6.8 with Security Update 2012-001 installed, both Eudora 6.2.4 and Adobe Acrobat Pro 7 crash when using File > Open, or File > Save As, and neither will print at all, although they don’t crash. I’ve also confirmed that the problem is not related to utility software like Default Folder X by reproducing it in a clean test account.
For now, a several users at Nebraska High School have created a fix for this problem, called RosettaFix. The only other solution, according to TidBITS, is to “reinstall Snow Leopard from your original disks.”
We’ll post more if Apple releases a fix for this.