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Interview with Intego’s CEO Laurent Marteau

For the Intego Mac Security Blog’s 100th post, we sat down with Laurent Marteau, CEO of Intego, to ask questions that readers of this blog have sent to us. Here’s what he has to say about Intego and Mac security issues.

When was Intego founded, and why did you decide to focus on Mac security?

Intego was founded in 1997 to provide Macs with reliable protection from all the dangers of the Internet and other security risks. With a full line of Mac security products, Intego is the only company solely focused on Macs, and the only company with a complete range of security software.

Why do Macs have fewer security issues than Windows PCs?

Computer security goes beyond what one reads about in the press. In addition to viruses and other forms of malware, computer security also includes such issues as data protection, network defense, content filtering, and spam and phishing protection. Macs have the same problems as Windows PCs in all these areas, and Intego offers software solutions that meet each of these needs.

For example, many people don’t realize how vulnerable their documents are when they’re traveling with a laptop. They may have confidential business documents, which are essentially unprotected. Intego FileGuard X5 lets them create virtual safes to protect their sensitive files so even if a laptop is lost or stolen, no one can get at them.

A common generalization has been that Macs have fewer security issues than Windows because of the smaller market share. Is this true? Do you see the security threats increasing with Apple selling more Macs?

Recent months have seen an increase in threats to Mac OS X, the most recent being the OSX.Rsplug Trojan Horse and a serious Leopard quarantine bug. These threats are serious, and show that the people behind malware are focusing on the Mac as a viable target. But things will not stop here; new security flaws in Mac OS X, such as a QuickTime streaming vulnerability, may allow for other types of attacks, and those who profit from malware are constantly on the lookout for new ways to attack Macs.

Apple regularly releases security updates. How important is to install these updates? Is Apple doing enough to keep Macs secure?

It is always essential to install the latest security updates, not only for Mac OS X but also for other software. But these patches only cover some of the flaws and holes that affect Mac OS X. For each flaw patched, another is found. That’s why security updates are not enough to keep Macs safe – users also need complete security solutions, such as those Intego offers. Our Internet Security Barrier suites, for example, provide solutions to all the security problems that Mac users face.

What are the most serious security issues currently affecting Mac OS X? And what about in the future?

Malware that targets Mac OS X is increasing, but one should not reduce security issues to only those that make for headlines. Data protection is probably one of the most important security issues for any platform. Users have valuable data – be it business documents or personal files such as family pictures – than need protection in case of virus infection or hardware failure. Intego Personal Backup X5 provides a full range of backup functions so no one need ever lose data.

Network intrusions are also a serious danger, both for individuals and businesses. Intego NetBarrier X5 keeps intruders out of protected Macs, blocking hackers and vandals, and protecting against data thieves. Spam and phishing are both an annoyance and a danger; Intego Personal Antispam X5 provides filtering and protection from this plague. And one shouldn’t forget our children; they use the Internet, and are exposed to content that most parents don’t want them to see. Intego ContentBarrier X5 protects children from the dangers of the Internet.

What is the best way to keep a Mac secure?

A combination of common sense and reliable security software, such as Intego’s line of Mac security programs. Common sense, such as using a secure password, not clicking on links in unsolicited e-mail, and avoiding web sites that seem dubious, is essential. Users need to understand that the weakest link in security is themselves. Intego’s security software helps users by protecting them from the dangers of the Internet, providing data protection functions, and keeping their Macs free of malware.

Macs can now run Windows. How does this affect the security of Mac OS X?

Mac users running Windows, either in Apple’s Boot Camp or using virtualization software, such as VMware Fusion, are confronted with new security challenges. Most Mac users are unaware of the scope of Windows security, and if they run Windows on their Macs, will quickly discover that it’s like the Wild West. This is why Intego is offering its Dual Protection product line, which includes Intego’s Mac software together with top-rated Windows solutions, so Mac users can be safe when running both platforms.

Intego discovered the OSX.RSplug Trojan. How serious and common is this Trojan? How should one protect against it? Does this Trojan mean that Mac security issues should now be taken much more seriously? Is the Mac now a target?

Intego has been taking Mac security seriously for ten years; it’s about time that others realize that Mac issues are, and will always be, important. The Mac is a target now more than ever, with criminals focusing on the Mac with malware such as the OSX.RSplug Trojan horse.

To be simple, what it does is change the DNS server a user has set up in their Network preferences. This may not seem like much, but doing this allows a rogue DNS server to hijack Internet traffic and lead it to bogus web sites. For example, some Google searches are redirected to porn sites, and some requests to bank sites or PayPal may go to phishing sites.

Intego VirusBarrier X5 protects against this Trojan horse, and will protect against all of its variants as well as new malware that targets Macs. Intego’s Virus Monitoring Center is constantly on the lookout for new malware and variants of existing malware to ensure that our customers are protected as soon as possible.

QuickTime related security issues seem to be quite common. Why has QuickTime had so many vulnerabilities?

We really don’t know why that program has so many problems. There are often security issues around QuickTime, and it’s not a program that is essentially designed for Internet usage. One problem is that Mac users can’t replace it; QuickTime is needed for almost all audio and video playback on the Mac.

Do you have any thoughts on iPod and iPhone related security?

Intego is naturally interested in protecting Mac users not only on their computers but also on other portable devices they use. For now, both the iPod and iPhone are closed platforms, though Apple has begun opening up the iPhone. Intego is studying possibilities for offering protection for the iPhone, especially since there have already been security flaws in the iPhone’s operating system, and there will certainly be more to come in the future. Since the iPhone is an always-on device, this opens up a wide range of risks that do not exist with computers; the iPhone will need protection from intrusions and malware as these risks increase.

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