
Intego Software Protects Against Mac Botnet

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A number of articles have recently addressed the issue of a Mac botnet – a network of infected computers – that may be involved in attacks on different Internet servers. This has trickled down to the mainstream media, notably via a CNN article.

This issue is nothing new, and Intego reported about the Trojan horse behind this botnet back in January. It seems some Symantec “researchers” have just found out about this and published an article about it; three months late.

Intego VirusBarrier X5 has protected Mac users from this Trojan horse (and its variants) since its discovery in January. Intego NetBarrier X5 also protects users from this Trojan horse’s actions, and this, too, since January.

So Intego users, fear not; Intego was the first to discover these Trojan horses, and has been protecting you from infection since January. Rest assured: Intego is usually the first to find Mac malware, and the first to protect Mac users from the many dangers of the Internet.

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