
Intego Signs Distribution Agreement with Ingram Micro

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Intego has announced the signature of a distribution agreement with Ingram Micro. Under this agreement, Ingram Micro, the world’s largest software distributor, will sell all of Intego’s products to its customers in the United States and Canada.

Ingram Micro will be distributing Intego’s full product line in single-user and multi-user versions to its customers:

  • VirusBarrier X5: eliminates all known Macintosh viruses on Mac OS X.
  • NetBarrier X5: the best personal firewall for Macintosh.
  • Personal Backup X5: for backup, synchronization, archiving and cloning.
  • ContentBarrier X5: makes the Internet safe for children.
  • Internet Security Barrier: complete Internet security suites for different needs.
  • Intego’s Dual Protection line: VirusBarrier X5 DP, ContentBarrier X5 DP, and Internet Security Barrier X5 DP, offer protection for Mac OS X and a Windows installation.
  • VirusBarrier Server: total protection for Mac OS X Server.
  • VirusBarrier Mail Gateway: total protection for Mac OS X Server and its mail server.
  • Remote Management Console: manages all Intego programs on a network.

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