Intego Is the First Software Company to Introduce Organically-Grown Edible Packaging
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Peter James
Intego today announced that the company’s packaging materials will now be made from organically-grown, edible materials. Using rice- and soy-based packaging, and vegetable-based inks, all of Intego’s boxes will be derived from organic raw materials, and will be edible.
Intego has long believed in the importance of sustainable development, and has always tried to reduce the impact of its products on the environment. By introducing edible packaging, Intego is taking a major step forward, as the process of eating packaging greatly reduces the environmental impact of the company’s products. We hope that other software companies, and other companies that use cardboard packaging, will follow our lead.
Intego’s boxes will come in two flavors: the company’s VirusBarrier X6 box will be bacon-flavored, and its Internet Security Barrier X6 box will be roast chicken-flavored. In addition, each box will include packets of low-fat, low-salt, naturally-flavored salad dressing: French dressing for VirusBarrier X6, and blue-cheese dressing for Internet Security Barrier X6. Standard license boxes, good for protecting up to two Macs, will contain two packets of salad dressing; family pack boxes, which protect up to five Macs, will contain five packets.
In addition, nutritional information for the box and salad dressing is printed on the sides of the boxes.
Only those boxes bearing a logo saying “eat me!” are edible.
Intego will start shipping its software in these new boxes on April 1, 2010.