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How to Review Your New Facebook Graph Search Settings

Facebook has released yet another new feature that has privacy implications. This one is called Graph Search, which allows you to search for Facebook users and content based on data that’s been posted. On the surface it doesn’t seem like a particularly big deal to allow people to search information that has already been published. But like in all things Privacy, it’s not so much the individual pieces of data that are unnerving, but the aggregation of those individual pieces that gives most of us the shivers. This article by Electronic Frontier Foundation goes into more detail about the sorts of data that could bite you in the end.

So it’s once again time to delve into both your data and your privacy settings to determine if the info you’re sharing is stuff you really want others to be able to search. And again, EFF come to the rescue with some fantastic instructions for how to systematically do this.

Here’s a quick checklist for things you need to review:

Once you have tested what data is available to the public and your various friend groups, you can go into the various specific areas of your profile to change anything that you might like changed.

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