Get Ready for Lion
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Peter James
As has been widely reported in the press, Apple has released a golden master version of OS X Lion to developers. This is generally the final version of a program, that which is then pressed to disc. Since Lion is only being sold by download, release may occur any day.
Intego’s software has always been compatible with the latest versions of Apple’s operating systems as of the day of their release. Lion is no exception. We’re putting the finishing touches on our programs to ensure full compatibility with Lion. In a short time, we will announce the version numbers of our programs that will be fully Lion-compatible, and will publish that information here on the Mac Security Blog.
In the meantime, you should know one thing. It is best to upgrade your Intego software before installing Lion. Not that anything will break, but Lion may disable certain parts of Intego programs if they are not compatible, so you won’t be protected. To do this, launch NetUpdate from the Intego menu in your menubar, or from the System Preferences application. Check for updates, and update all the programs for which updates are available. (Some Intego software is already compatible with Lion, so don’t be surprised if you don’t see updates for everything.) After you restart your Mac, go ahead and install Lion, and all should be well.
Stay tuned for an announcement of software versions that are compatible with Lion.