Firefox Update: Security Fixes and Plug-In Crash Protection
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Peter James
The Mozilla Foundation has released an update to its Firefox web browser, which includes a number of security fixes as well as a feature called “Crash Protection”, which claims to ensure that when plug-ins crash, the web browser will keep on working, once users refresh the page they are viewing. Since Firefox relies on many third-party plug-ins – optional, but widely used – this feature, which is described on the Mozilla Developer Central blog, should “significantly reduce the number of Firefox crashes experienced by users who are watching online videos or playing games.” However, this crash protection feature is not yet available for the Mac OS X version of Firefox, and there’s no information as to when it will be.
As for security fixes, the Mozilla Foundation discusses them in two security advisories (here and here), calling them critical.
As always, users can update their copy of Firefox by using the program’s built-in update function, or download a fresh copy here.