
Choosing a Mac Antivirus: Reasons 7 to 9

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7 – Intego software does not affect your Mac’s performance

If you have one of today’s powerful Macs, you don’t want any software – especially that which you use to protect you from security threats – to slow down its performance. All of Intego’s programs are fully optimized for Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard, and no Intego software slows down your Mac. Intego software never needs to be deactivated when you install other programs, unlike some Mac antiviruses.

8 – Intego is the first to react to new Mac malware

Intego’s Virus Monitoring Center has researchers who constantly monitor the Mac malware situation, and Intego is the first to react to new Mac threats. Intego discovered, for example, the RSPlug Trojan Horse in 2007, and issued updates to VirusBarrier’s virus definitions before other vendors even knew about the threat. Intego also uses proactive monitoring, with its researchers keeping tabs on what goes on in the Mac hacking community, to be able to address threats before they become dangerous.

9 – Efficient, effective, and reliable

Intego software works efficiently, protects your Mac effectively, and is fully reliable. But you don’t have to believe us; just read what Macworld said about VirusBarrier: “Intego’s VirusBarrier will do a great job of protecting your machine from malware and Trojans… it’s also the fastest and easy to use – making Mac protection practically painless.” And about NetBarrier: “Intego’s NetBarrier offers a more user-friendly interface, significantly more intelligent intrusion detection, and better overall protection than any of the other firewall applications currently being offered.”

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