Path Social Network in Another Privacy Dustup
The original idea behind the social networking application Path was that it was “Private by Default,” and that you...
The original idea behind the social networking application Path was that it was “Private by Default,” and that you...
As you might imagine, researching malware might give you a unique perspective on computers. One of the things we...
The other day, we mentioned that the OS X application firewall provides only inbound protection. I imagine there are...
Security News + Software & Apps
Microsoft has announced the company will be ending support for Office for Mac 2008 on April 9, 2013. This announcement...
Apple hacker Charlie Miller once tweeted that he thought the previous jailbreak would likely be the last public jailbreak...
Security News + Software & Apps
Every now and again we run into detections that are decidedly a grey area. One of those situations is...
Oh, updates. Between product improvement updates, security updates, bug fix updates, and other updates to updates, plus bad updates...
You’ll often hear, when a security wonk recommends layered security, that you should be using a “hardware or software...
Security News + Software & Apps
It seems to me that password reset notices from breached vendors is becoming a weekly occurrence. This time the...
It’s not just old Java plugins getting the boot on OS X – now old Adobe Flash plugin versions...