Intego + Recommended + Software & Apps
Mac Premium Bundle X8 Earns TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award
TopTenREVIEWS reviews Mac Premium Bundle X8. The review, written by Randall Sutherland, offers a detailed analysis of our Mac...
Intego + Recommended + Software & Apps
TopTenREVIEWS reviews Mac Premium Bundle X8. The review, written by Randall Sutherland, offers a detailed analysis of our Mac...
Install the latest update from Apple for security reasons, or you'll be the one left without a smiley face.
Security News + Software & Apps
It’s back! And it’s likely here to stay. A few weeks ago, Intego pointed out that Mac users were no longer being offered to install...
I recently explained how to enable and set up Restrictions on an iOS device, to ensure that your children...
If you have iOS 12 or later, check out iOS 12 Parental Controls and Restrictions. You know that the...
Family Sharing, a feature introduced in iOS 8, allows users to create a private network of up to six...
Security & Privacy + Security News + Software & Apps
Good news for stalkers, spammers and scammers. Even if Mac users have told Mail not to load remote...
Apple + Recommended + Software & Apps
Whenever I set up a new Mac, I have a routine. I start by following the usual setup steps...
Three years ago we introduced Intego VirusBarrier iOS, offering a powerful and easy to use on-demand antivirus and malware...
Intego + Recommended + Software & Apps
Intego products are the optimum solutions for protecting, cleaning and organizing your Mac. We build our software from the...