How To + Recommended + Security & Privacy
A Layman’s Guide to Ransomware Protection for Mac
As with any smart security strategy, for ransomware protection the best defense is made up of multiple layers. This...
How To + Recommended + Security & Privacy
As with any smart security strategy, for ransomware protection the best defense is made up of multiple layers. This...
Do you plan to take your Mac or iPhone with you when traveling overseas? Take heed and follow these...
Apple has banned a top-selling iOS app that raised the alarm if it determined your iPhone or iPad had...
How To + Recommended + Security & Privacy
A home VPN router can protect your laptops and smartphones wherever you are from man-in-the-middle attacks. Use this VPN...
Web browsers have adopted "fraudulent site protection" to protect you from suspected phishing sites. Here's how to activate your...
More websites and services are using two-step or two-factor authentication to provide an additional layer of security. Here’s how...
Apple + Recommended + Security & Privacy
Apple has added many security and privacy-enhancing features to iOS since its initial release. This timeline reveals the evolution...
Apple + Recommended + Security & Privacy
Macs include many under the hood features that keep OS X secure. This article offers a look at the...
Apple + Recommended + Security & Privacy
Apple has added many security features to macOS over the years. Here is a timeline of macOS security improvements,...
Apple + Intego + Recommended + Security & Privacy
In the beginning, Macs were perceived as impenetrable and inherently secure machines that held a reputation besting its rival...