Apple + Intego + Recommended + Security & Privacy
The Year in Mac Security 2016
As we enter 2017, we all tend to look back on the good and the bad experienced during another...
Apple + Intego + Recommended + Security & Privacy
As we enter 2017, we all tend to look back on the good and the bad experienced during another...
Apple + Recommended + Security & Privacy
Should you use FileVault to encrypt your Mac? Here you'll learn about encryption types and strengths used in macOS,...
Cybercriminals have become very sophisticated in recent years. Gone are the days when viruses targeted computers just for the...
Data loss occurs for many reasons. Have you planned how to protect your data if the unexpected happens?
Apple + Recommended + Security & Privacy
macOS Sierra is here! Aside from the new naming convention — no more OS X — Sierra has lots...
Recommended + Security & Privacy + Security News
This week Apple released macOS Sierra to the public and, apart from some nice new features, it includes fixes...
Related: Porn Blackmail Scam Rattles Mac Users: What You Need to Know You might be asking, “Is my Mac’s camera...
Apple + Recommended + Security & Privacy
Apple's iOS 10 includes numerous security features on your iPhone and iPad. Here's a look at the many security...
For students and teachers, it’s that time again. Time to head back to school and get back into that...
Learn about the security and privacy risks associated with public networks, and how you can keep your Mac safe...