Highlights of Recent Mac Malware: OSX/WizardUpdate and OSX/Bundlore
Mac malware researchers constantly encounter new malware samples and variants. In recent weeks, two notable malware families introduced new...
Mac malware researchers constantly encounter new malware samples and variants. In recent weeks, two notable malware families introduced new...
A new variety of Mac Trojan horse malware has been caught in the wild. And, surprisingly, the latest Trojan...
The latest Adload malware had been infecting Macs for months before Apple began to detect it. Intego VirusBarrier users...
Domains using special characters can look like other domains, leading to possible phishing or malware attacks.
Apple neglected to warn more than 100 million iOS users who downloaded apps infected with the XcodeGhost malware.
A new family of Mac malware dubbed Silver Sparrow (detected by Intego and others as OSX/Slisp) has apparently infected...
Two malware threats that began on Windows—GravityRAT and IPStorm—are now available for Mac, Android, and Linux, too.
Intego exclusive: For the second time in six weeks, Apple has been caught notarizing Mac malware. This OSX/MacOffers (MaxOfferDeal)...
From mid-to-late August, Apple has inadvertently enabled dozens of malware samples to run more easily on Macs. The malware...
Intego has been deeply investigating XCSSET, an intriguing new Mac malware specimen that exploits zero-days, hijacks browsers, steals passwords,...