Prince Harming and Dark Jedi Sent Packing by Apple’s Latest OS X Update
Apple has released a firmware fix for vulnerable Macs and MacBooks, protecting against the Prince Harming and Dark Jedi...
Apple has released a firmware fix for vulnerable Macs and MacBooks, protecting against the Prince Harming and Dark Jedi...
Malware + Recommended + Security & Privacy + Security News
A serious security flaw has been found in iOS and OS X that could result in passwords being stolen. And,...
A new zero-day vulnerability has been discovered on older Mac computers, opening opportunities for hackers to meddle with the...
The Rootpipe vulnerability (CVE-2015-1130), previously thought patched by Apple in OS X Yosemite 10.10.3, remains on all Macs.
This variant of OpinionSpy may be a little more upfront with potential victims about its intentions, but that doesn't...
It appears that the Pawn Storm spyware campaign is now also targeting iPhones and iPads... and they don't have...
Malware + Security & Privacy + Security News
The computer security stories seemed to be virtually nonstop over the past year, so there’s a good chance you...
Malware + Security & Privacy + Security News
Cloud Atlas is the latest purported example of sophisticated state-sponsored malware, said to have snooped on diplomats, oil industry...
Security researchers have issued an alert this week upon the discovery of a major backdoor in Windows platforms, a...
The Mac Observer published information about a new iOS threat, dubbed “Masque Attack,” which lets attackers replace valid apps...