Intego Mac Security Podcast

Apple’s New iPhone 16, Apple Watch 10, and AirPods – Intego Mac Podcast Episode 361

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We discuss all the new products Apple announced in its Glowtime event: the iPhone 16, Apple Watch and, and AirPods.

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Transcript of Intego Mac Podcast episode 361

Voice Over 0:00
This is the Intego Mac podcast, the voice of Mac security, for Thursday, September 12, 2024. This week’s Intego Mac podcast is all about Apple’s announcements at its recent Glowtime new products event. Now, here are the hosts of the Intego Mac Podcast. Veteran Mac journalist, Kirk McElhearn. And Intego’s. Chief Security Analyst, Josh Long.

Kirk McElhearn 0:29
Good morning. Josh, how are you today?

Josh Long 0:31
I’m doing well. How are you, Kirk?

Kirk McElhearn 0:33
I’m doing okay. Did you remember to restart your browser?

Josh Long 0:36
Of course, yeah. Gotta restart the browser. And make sure to do that every week. Remember this is also everything except for Safari, because Safari really only gets security updates once a month, roughly whenever Apple decides to roll out patches, but just about every other browser you should be restarting it frequently.

What was announced at Apple’s “Glowtime” event?

Kirk McElhearn 0:53
Okay, so we have just one topic today, and this is Apple’s What was the name of this event, Glowtime.

Josh Long 0:59
Yeah, remember, we were debating about whether that meant it’s “go time” or it’s showtime. I don’t know. I thought it had to do with go time. It sounded glow. Sounds more like go to me, but whichever?

Kirk McElhearn 1:11
Well, you know, when they come up with these names for the events, they never explain them in the events, they just drop these out there for people to spelunk and try to figure out what they mean. My guess is the glow is for the new Siri glow when you’re on iOS 18 and you press the Siri thing. But this only happens with this only occurs on an iPhone that supports Apple intelligence, and we’re going to get to that in a minute, because there is this schism between those who can use Apple intelligence and those who can’t. This is creating a big dividing line. Apple started with the new Apple Watch Series 10 and no surprise, 10 years to the day, minus one day. It was September 10 in 2014 that they released the first Apple Watch. And 10 years on, well, this is the first time that they’ve changed the I want to say it’s not really changing the form factor to the watch, but it has changed in design. Now there were all these rumors for the past year about how the Apple Watch 10 is going to be a total radical change in design. And I remember the rumors of like, oh, it’s going to be the case sizes are going to be 45 and 49 millimeters, which absolutely makes no sense. What they did, however, is they increased the case size by one millimeter, which means 42 and 46 millimeters. The cases are a bit wider. The aspect ratio has changed a bit, and it’s thinner. It’s about 10% thinner. So the previous model was 10.7 millimeters, and this one is 9.7 so a little bit less than 10% what this means is, with this slightly larger watch and slightly thinner. It’s not going to look as bulky on the wrist. I mean, I’m looking at mine now. It’s big, right? It sticks up more than a normal watch would, and part of it is because the height of the body, but also the curved sensor in the bottom, so that gives it even more thickness. So the new Apple Watch 10, which we have both ordered and Josh is replacing his five year old Apple Watch five the larger model, the 46 millimeter, has a screen that’s marginally bigger than the 49 millimeter Apple Watch Ultra, a few pixels, a few square millimeters bigger, not much, but enough to make a difference. Now, I had been planning on buying the Apple Watch Ultra because I thought I’d like a change from this boring squirt, tangle, square tangle, whatever it is. And when I saw the size here, and when I saw the fact that the new Apple Watch Ultra is the old Apple Watch Ultra just with a coat of paint on it, I decided to go for the Apple Watch 10.

Josh Long 3:34
I’m not surprised about that. That was also a little bit of a surprise. Mark Gurman, who Kirk often calls Apple’s designated leaky did say shortly before the event that he didn’t expect that we would get an Apple Watch Ultra three. And I saw a lot of people pushing back on that, saying, No, how could Apple not release an Apple Watch Ultra three? Well, it turned out he was right. There was an update, kind of technically, to the ultra two line. Now it’s available in satin black. There’s a different color. You mean there’s a different color? Oh, my goodness. Well, I need to rush out and buy last year’s model of Apple Watch Ultra.

Kirk McElhearn 4:11
I hate to tell you, I follow a Facebook group about the Apple Watch 10s of 1000s of people. There are a whole bunch who are going to upgrade their Apple Watch Ultra to the Apple Watch Ultra in satin black, or whatever the color is, just because of the change in color they can afford to do this. And you know, Apple gives. I know what kind of trade in Apple’s giving on Apple watches that are recent. I know my two year old Apple Watch doesn’t get a lot for trade in, but maybe a one year old Apple Watch Ultra two might. But there are people who are going to buy this. Admittedly, I think it’s pretty cool. They have a new Melanie’s loop designed specifically for the Apple Watch Ultra, which is a bit a bit bulkier and thicker than the standard Milanese loop. And the one in black looks really cool. If I had enough disposable income, I’d go for it. But yeah, it’s last year’s model. Now my speculation, and I’ve been thinking this for a while, is with. Two watches in the lineup. Don’t count the SE because that’s always the one that comes at irregular intervals. With two watches in the lineup, it would make sense for them to update each one every two years, so a tick and a talk schedule. So this year, the tick is the Apple Watch Series 10 gets a major update, but the ultra doesn’t. Next year, the talk the Apple Watch Ultra gets a major update, and the 10 maybe gets a new color or something like that, but really minor update, and it would make more sense. This is not a device people buy every year, like a phone. I mean, a lot of people don’t buy a phone every year, but more people buy a phone every year than buy a watch. So a two year upgrade cycle makes more sense for a watch.

Josh Long 5:40
I would be okay with that. There usually are pretty minor updates from one version of the Apple Watch to the next. So I could see Apple doing something like that, really, if you think about it, Apple’s kind of already doing that with certain other product lines. For example, the iPad, it kind of gets updated whenever, whenever Apple feels like it, and they’ve kind of done that well, even it’s even more obvious with things like the Apple TV. Like Apple will go many years in between, like releasing a new Apple TV model, and so, you know, I wouldn’t surprise me to see Apple going that direction. I don’t know if they will, but it wouldn’t surprise me too much.

Kirk McElhearn 6:18
So there aren’t a lot of new features. There’s a larger display. There’s something they’re calling a wide angle OLED display that makes it easier to see when you’re looking on an angle instead of straight at the watch. It’s true that I very rarely hold my watch up and look straight at the display. It’s usually on an angle, so this should give a better viewing angle. There’s a new feature that they’re bringing in to detect sleep apnea. And this isn’t specific to the Apple Watch 10, because the Apple Watch nine and the Apple Watch Ultra two will also get this. It makes one think, and we’ll talk about another health feature in a minute. It makes one think that Apple had these features planned and needed to do enough testing to get FDA clearance, so it took longer than they expected. So they built this into this generation plus the last generation, right?

Josh Long 7:04
I had the same thought that it was probably mostly related to they needed to get enough test data. They needed to, you know, be ready to announce that FDA approval is coming, you know, very soon. And they didn’t quite have that last year, even though they had the hardware for it already built in last year. So it’s nice to see that I actually think that this is a wonderful thing. A lot of people, as they mentioned in this presentation, this Apple event, a lot of people are not diagnosed. They may have sleep apnea, but have never had any clinical diagnosis because, well, I mean, you have to test while you’re asleep, and there’s a whole process to go through that and actually get that done properly. Well, imagine having an Apple Watch, which a lot more people have access to, and have already being able to use that to detect sleep apnea. Is a great thing. I think this is a wonderful thing. I’m really happy to see Apple going in that direction.

Kirk McElhearn 8:00
And the way it works is it doesn’t tell you tomorrow that it detected something last night. It’s going to give you a report every 30 days. So it’s going to look at trends to figure out what sort of breathing disturbances you have. I believe every 30 days, it gives you a report, and if you do have anything, you’ll get a PDF you can download and give to your doctor. So I think that’s really good. There’s one other change. They replaced the stainless steel Apple Watch, which they’ve had since, I guess, the very beginning, and the more expensive Apple Watch Series is now made of titanium, which matches the titanium in the iPhone that we’ll talk about a little bit later. I guess it makes sense. I’ve got a stainless steel series eight. Before that. I had a series six before that. I had all aluminum. I like the look of the stainless steel. It’s got a sapphire crystal instead of ionic glass, or whatever they call it. So I think it’s a lot more robust. I’ve never gotten scratches on the stainless steel Apple Watches, but I decided this year to go for the cheaper aluminum. I’m getting polished jet black, which I think looks cool. What about you?

Josh Long 8:57
I’m getting to Yeah. What do they call it?

Kirk McElhearn 9:00
Jet Black.

Josh Long 9:03
Yeah, I’m also getting jet black aluminum. So yeah, and Kirk was teasing me because I’m getting the ink sport loop, which is kind of just the standard one that comes with it. But I, you know, I like the sport loop. I’m okay with that.

Kirk McElhearn 9:16
You should try some of the others into some great colors and Apple watch bands. We’ll link in the show notes to my article about Apple watch bands, where I cover all the different types and styles and everything. I think it’s fun to have different bands and change them every now and then. One thing I noticed, and I’ve been checking on this since so the orders for the Apple Watch started Monday, right after the event, and I’ve been checking since then. We’re only Wednesday when we’re recording, but there doesn’t seem to be much of a supply constraint. All the Apple watches that I’ve looked up are still available for delivery on September 20. The only ones that aren’t are ones where the band itself is not available yet, such as that new Melanie’s loop for the Apple Watch Ultra is not available until October. So if you order the watch and the band you can’t get until October. So. But it doesn’t seem that people are rushing to buy the Apple Watch this year.

Josh Long 10:03
Well, it could be, or it could just be that they planned appropriately with the supply chain. I always like to say, you know, like Apple’s CEO used to be the supply chain guy when he was the COO, along with Steve Jobs as the CEO. So, I mean, I’m never really surprised when Apple gets supply chain things right, so they may have just planned well.

Kirk McElhearn 10:26
Okay, so next up is AirPods, and Apple updated AirPods four, so that’s the basic in ear AirPods. The AirPods Pro two didn’t get an upgrade, but we’ll talk about a new feature, and the AirPods Max got updated, so the air pods for the standard ones come in two versions now. One is $129 and one is 179 the second has noise cancelation. This is interesting, because these aren’t in Canal air pods that get a seal, so the noise cancelation won’t be as effective as something like the air pods Pro, which, you know they have the silicone seals that go into your ear canal. But still, I couldn’t support in Canal AirPods for years. It’s only with the AirPods Pro two that I got last year that I’ve been able to handle this. I think it’s because of the transparency mode, because it always felt too isolated, because the ears are sealed. So if you want noise cancelation and don’t like the in Canal. $179 isn’t excessive. Now the AirPods Pro two, I want to say this is Apple’s most important announcement of this year. They’re introducing a feature where you can use them as what Apple calls a clinical grade hearing aid. You’ll be able to use an app on your iPhone to perform a hearing test. Now, if you’ve ever had a hearing test with an audiologist, you go in a soundproof room, you have headphones on, you have a little button you press when you hear the different tones, and it makes a graph of how well you can hear tones at different frequencies. You’ll be able to do this on your iPhone. This profile will be sent to the AirPods. You can use it as a hearing aid, and this profile will be active when you’re watching movies and listening to music. I think this is brilliant for two reasons. One, hearing aids can cost 1000s of dollars. In the past few years, there have been companies like Bose that have released hearing aids, non prescription hearing aids, that are like $800 but here we’re talking for $250 to get a hearing aid. Well, you got to have an iPhone, right? But to get a hearing aid, that could be more than sufficient for most people. The second thing is, this could lead to a normalization of hearing aids. A lot of people who have hearing aids don’t want to wear them because they look like hearing aids. If they just look like AirPods, which you see all over the place, it might make more sense to wear them. Apple showed a little film of it was a woman at a party, and her son was saying something, how great a mother she was. And first she couldn’t hear anything, and then she put them in and she could hear it fine, because not only are the AirPods using the personal profile, but they’re using this conversation awareness feature that Apple introduced last year to isolate the conversation. I think this is huge.

Josh Long 13:06
100% agree. I think it’s brilliant. I’m really excited again. This is another case of Apple really getting into that healthcare space, which is a little bit of a departure from traditional apple, but I really like that Apple is putting so much more emphasis on helping people with disabilities, and even really common disabilities. You know, hearing loss is something that a lot of people have, and so this, I love this. I think this is a great idea.

Kirk McElhearn 13:33
Okay, this wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t talk about the upgrade to the AirPods Max. Apple’s four year old, $549 headphones. Got new colors and a USB C connector.

Josh Long 13:44
I was gonna say the upgrade. You mean upgrading quote to air quotes? Right?

Kirk McElhearn 13:49
Like, yes, upgrading air quotes. Well, the USB connector is an upgrade technically, right? The new colors are a side grade.

Josh Long 13:56
Yeah. Okay. So the, I think the biggest concern, although that a lot of people have about this is, first of all, this is a four year old model, and it still has the four year old chip inside of it. It doesn’t even get the two year old chip as an upgrade. So in terms of the internal tech, it’s all the same as you got four years ago with the original AirPods Max we’re not getting AirPods max two. We’re just getting a USB C port and some brand new flashy colors. Wow. And guess what? They’re not even discounting it at all. It’s the same price that it was four years ago for this four year old tech. That’s that’s not great.

Kirk McElhearn 14:32
Interesting trend two old devices to get getting new colors this year is the Apple Watch Ultra two and the AirPods max. So all of the things that we’ve talked about now are already available for order, and they ship on September 20. They’ll be in stores in September 20. Just to point out again, that the AirPods Pro two, they can be used as a hearing aid, similar to the Apple Watch with the sleep apnea. They had built this into the hardware last year and only released it now, so they didn’t come out today and say, Well, you’ve got to buy these new AirPods for. Pro two to get the hearing aid feature. Okay, let’s take a break. When we come back, we’ll talk about the big McGill the iPhone.

Voice Over 15:09
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Kirk McElhearn 16:23
What would a September Apple event without an iPhone be? What would be a lot shorter? For one thing, because they spend an awful lot of time repeating things. Now, not everyone saw the presentation WWDC of Apple intelligence, so they had to present all these new features, and they presented them in totally different ways, including some new Apple intelligence features that we hadn’t heard about, but it’s the new iPhone, and the new iPhone is a lot like the old iPhone, and it’s a little bit different, and it’s a little bit better, but it’s not that much better. And if you have last year’s iPhone, you probably don’t need this year’s iPhone, do you?

Josh Long 16:58
That’s true, I would say, especially if you have the 15 Pro or 15 pro Max, which is going to get all the apple intelligence features that I would say, there’s almost zero reason to upgrade, unless you really just like to have the latest model. For some reason, there’s very little difference between those two models. You’re going to get a little bit faster chip. Obviously, you’re going to get the latest a 18 pro chip, which is a little bit better than last year’s model, but not really a big upgrade. I would say the bigger upgrade is if you bought a 15 non pro last year, this is definitely the year that you want to get a new iPhone. If you’re the kind of person who wants all the turning new features, in particular, Apple intelligence absolutely worth the upgrade from the 15 to the 16?

Kirk McElhearn 17:44
Well, we don’t know if it’s worth the upgrade yet, because these features are going to be trickling out, starting with the dot one versions of Apple’s operating systems. By the way, on the 16th next week, the new operating systems come out. So this is Mac OS, iOS, et cetera. The dot one releases won’t come out for at least a month, and then there’s other features that will come out sometime this year or next year.

Josh Long 18:05
Well, part of the reason why I say that even just the base 16 model is a huge upgrade over the 15 last year is that, first of all, you’re getting essentially kind of the pro chip. Now, Apple did make a distinction this year, and they said, Well, we’re releasing a 18 for the iPhone 16. By the way, you had an a 16, two generations older on the 15 model last year. I know we’re throwing out a lot of numbers here, but you’re getting an upgrade of two generations of chip in one year on the base iPhone models. That’s the key takeaway, and that means that you’re also getting some of these really advanced features that Apple announced only exclusive to the Pro models last year. Now you’re getting in the base model. So if you like gaming on your iPhone, and you want to run these what Apple calls AAA titles, well you can actually do that on the base iPhone 16 this year, whereas last year, you had to have the Pro models to do that. So there’s some other things too, that Apple’s added to the base models this year that make it a really good value. And I’m even seeing a lot of discussion about, is it even worth getting the Pro models? It really depends on your use case. But I think for a lot of people who are used to getting the Pro models, if you’re not getting the Pro models specifically for the camera, you might be okay with getting an iPhone 16 base model this year.

Kirk McElhearn 19:26
There is a slight difference in the chip between the vanilla iPhone 16 and the Pro. There’s one fewer graphics cores, so there’s six GPU cores in the pro and five in the base iPhone, which won’t affect much of what you do. Might affect games slightly, but I think that that’s close enough. There are some upgrades to the camera. So the basic iPhone is getting what’s called a fusion camera, so it can shoot in 48 megapixels, but it can also shoot four pixels into one, so 12 megapixels, and it has a 12 megapixel wide camera. It’s a little bit better than the previous 48 Megapixel camera, the pro gets 248 megapixel cameras, so the wide and the ultra wide and it has a 5x optical zoom. Both of these allow you to shoot spatial photos and spatial videos. So instead of the cameras being on an angle, they’re aligned vertically to be able to make these sort of 3d photos. Now we’re used to the Pro models having features that the vanilla doesn’t get, but there are two hardware features that both of them have, and one is the action button, which the 15 Pro models had, and the other is this new camera control button. Now this is really interesting. It’s on the right side, lower third of the camera if you press this button, so it’s a moving button with a capacitive like a mini track pad. Right you press the button, the camera app opens and then where you’re holding your phone up to take a picture, you can slide your finger along the button to access different features, like you can change the depth of field and the exposure and a couple of things like that. It sounds a bit finicky, and I’ll have to see it in use. But judging from the examples that they showed, it gives you a lot of power over the camera. Most people don’t care about that. Most people don’t want to make that sort of change. They just want to press the shutter button, which you can use this for, as well as tapping the white button. But this does give more options for anyone who wants to, I don’t know, do more with the cameras on these devices.

Josh Long 21:22
This is going to be a feature that I think mostly professional photographers are going to want to tinker with. I think the average person, and probably myself included in that, I don’t know if I’ll really ever use this, other than just to play around with it. When I first get it, I have a feeling I’m not really going to be doing too much with it, but it does look really cool in the demos. I just don’t know how practical this is for kind of the everyday person who’s not really a photography expert, but it’s pretty cool. I like that this is even on the base model as well. It’s not just a Pro feature, which actually really surprised me.

Kirk McElhearn 21:55
Okay, so the Pro models are a bit larger. The vanilla models are 6.1 or 6.7 inches, and the Pro are 6.3 and 6.9 the Pro has really thin bezels, and you can see it in Apple’s photos, but when I saw some of the hands on videos of people who were looking at this after the presentation, it’s really obvious. It’s didn’t they used to call this edge to edge bezels on the iPhone when there was even more space, and now it’s really getting close to edge to edge. Not like that Samsung phone that has the curved display on the edges, but it’s getting really close.

Josh Long 22:29
Yeah, it’s actually funny that you mentioned the bezels and how much smaller they are in the iPhone, because one of the criticisms of the new Apple Watch Series 10 is that it actually has larger bezels, which is kind of funny, they made the screen size larger, but you also have larger bezels, which is a little bit awkward.

Kirk McElhearn 22:46
Well, you don’t actually have larger bezels. It’s that the curve of the display goes further down than it does now, right? Well, it gives the perception of it at least, right? It may look like larger bezels, but the way the display is attached to the metal body. The glass goes down a little bit further, so it makes it look like bezels. When you look at it from the side, you won’t notice that. I don’t think it’s only when you look at it straight on, and no one looks at it straight on. So that button, the camera control, is also going to trigger a visual intelligence feature. And this is an apple intelligence feature that they didn’t present in June, and you can point your phone at something and press this and take a picture, and it’s going to tell you what it is. And they did a couple of examples, such as a woman someplace, I guess, in San Francisco, some architectural thing, and who’s the architect of this? And you find out who the architect is, and that’s really good. But they had some other examples that just seemed a bit weird.

Josh Long 23:40
One of the ones that you pointed out was holding up your iPhone in front you’re standing in front of a restaurant, and you hold it up to check the store hours. Well, if you’re standing in front of the restaurant, why don’t you just look at the hours that are posted on the front of the store like that seems kind of weird. Maybe what you’re really trying to look up is reviews you just want to see, like how good this restaurant is. You want to see maybe some pictures of the food that they offer. That’s the kind of thing that I think makes a lot of sense. Now, the more awkward one was they showed somebody walking up to someone walking their dog, and they bent down in front of the dog. No conversation whatsoever between the person with the iPhone and the dog walker. And instead of asking the dog owner about the dog’s breed, they kneel down in front of the dog and hold up their phone in front of the dog as though they’re taking a picture of it, and then they ask their phone about the dog’s breed. A normal person would just ask the dog owner, Hey, I like your dog. What breed is it like? That’s the normal human thing to do.

Kirk McElhearn 24:49
I kind of think he did ask, Can I take a picture of the dog? But I don’t remember, and it did look weird. Every once in a while, there’s a farm shop next to my house and someone’s in there with a dog. I don’t like dogs particularly, but I see a. Your dog. What kind of dog is that? And I’ll ask them next time. I’ll make sure I have my phone to take a picture first and see if the phone matches what they say. But I can see this apple intelligence being useful. Let me give you an example. Every once in a while, I’m out walking and I see a flower, and I don’t know what it is, so I have an app where I can check flowers, right? So you have to take a photo, look it up. No, I don’t want to subscribe? No, I don’t want the app to track me all that stuff. And the apple Photos app can do that a little bit for some things, but it doesn’t identify everything. So this would allow me to identify flowers. I don’t know if I would trust it to identify whether mushrooms are poisonous or not, because mistakes can be fatal. But maybe there are other things you see when you’re out, you know trees and plants and well, birds a little bit more difficult to get close enough walk up with birds. Excuse me, can I take your photo to find out what kind of birds you are? That’s not that easy, but I can see this being useful. I can imagine you’re a tourist someplace, and Okay, give me information about this museum, and instead of having to find the name search for it, maybe spell it wrong. You automatically get a card and links to a web page about a museum. So I think there’s a lot of potential for this. The question is, how reliable will it be? And as with all of these AI features, we’re not entirely sure that they’re going to be reliable.

Josh Long 26:17
Yeah, it may not be 100% accurate at first. This is all going to get better over time. And remember, Apple intelligence is launching in beta there. It’s not launching as soon as the phone comes out. We got to wait a month for it, and they’re still calling it a beta, even after it becomes available as part of the iOS 18.1 update. And as a reminder, we’re getting iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia next Monday, like it’s already going to be here, but neither one of them will include the apple intelligence features. We got to wait a month for those. I think Apple intelligence is going to get some things wrong. There’s going to be some really public, you know, things that are going to be all over social media about. Look at this dumb thing that Apple intelligence told me, Well, that’s to be expected, right? We know that any of these systems, ChatGPT gets stuff wrong all the time, and all these AI systems occasionally hallucinate or get some things completely wrong, and we kind of should expect that, and Apple’s gonna get better with this over time.

Kirk McElhearn 27:18
Okay, worth noting that battery life has increased on these models. You can get up to 33 hours of video playback on the iPhone 16 Pro, Max, 27 hours on the iPhone 16 Pro. It’s about an hour or two for all of the battery benchmarks across the iPhone 16 line, which is good. We like better batteries. And I don’t know if you remember this since the iPhone 15 came out, Apple has said that these phones are guaranteed to last for 1000 charging cycles and not 500 like previous models. So we’re looking at batteries that whatever technology they’re using is going to make these phones last a lot longer. We were talking earlier. Your 14 Pro is at 81% and that’s after two years, mine is 88% so you can imagine that after two years, it’ll still be over 90% and you can go three or four years without the battery hitting that sort of 80% mark.

Josh Long 28:11
I hope so. And we’re talking about the battery health, by the way, and I have seen a lot of people specifically talking about the 14 generation, maybe just the 14 Pro and Pro Max. Maybe not having such great battery health over time. Mine certainly hasn’t. I’m barely above that 80% threshold, but thankfully, it’s good enough that I can still sell it back. By the way, we have a link in the show notes to a recent article about how to trade in or sell your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Apple watch if you want to trade in your old models or even some other old Apple hardware that you’ve got available, you might be able to get some pretty decent money for that you can put toward your purchase of a new iPhone or a new Apple Watch.

Kirk McElhearn 28:53
Okay, so pre orders for the iPhone start on September 13 at 1pm UK time, which is 5am for you. Are you getting up early, Josh?

Josh Long 29:01
I think 5am for me. Yeah, I guess I’ll have to get up early for that one.

Kirk McElhearn 29:04
Okay, prices are the same as last year, 799, and 899, for the iPhone 16, 999, and 1199. For the iPhone 16. Pro worth noting that the pro Max comes with a minimum of 256 gigabytes of storage. So that kind of adds the extra $100 you get between the 999 1199, the others start with 128 you can go up to a terabyte if you want to spend a lot of money on your storage. So that’s it. I’ll be ordering my phone at a normal time on Friday, and you’ll be getting up before the sun until next week. Josh, stay secure.

Josh Long 29:36
All right. Stay secure.

Voice Over 29:39
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About Kirk McElhearn

Kirk McElhearn writes about Apple products and more on his blog Kirkville. He is co-host of the Intego Mac Podcast, as well as several other podcasts, and is a regular contributor to The Mac Security Blog, TidBITS, and several other websites and publications. Kirk has written more than two dozen books, including Take Control books about Apple's media apps, Scrivener, and LaunchBar. Follow him on Twitter at @mcelhearn. View all posts by Kirk McElhearn →