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AntiSec Leak Was From App Developer Blue Toad, Not the FBI
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Lysa Myers
It would appear that last week when many people were freaking out about the leak that was supposedly part of a database of 12 million UDIDs gathered by the FBI, they were worrying unnecessarily. Apparently not everything you read on the Internet is true. Especially when it’s information that comes from people who are better known for trying to get Lulz than factual information. Shocking, I know.
They say the best lie is based on a grain of truth. And indeed, there was a grain of truth to AntiSec’s story. They did steal a database full of UDIDs, but it was not from the FBI. And it wasn’t part of a list of 12 million UDIDs that included all sort of personally identifiable information. It was actually, as many suspected, from an app developer. This morning, Blue Toad identified their database as being the source of the leak. They have stated that the database matches their own, and did not contain all the other personally identifying information that AntiSec had claimed.
So in case you hadn’t already, now you can really breathe a sigh of relief.
But on the plus side, we did all get to enjoy that picture of Adrian Chen from Gawker in a tutu, so it’s not all bad. 🙂