Security News + Software & Apps
Adware For OS X and Windows is Making the Rounds
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Lysa Myers
Every now and again we run into detections that are decidedly a grey area. One of those situations is adware. These are programs created by legitimate companies, but because they display ads and track user information, they’re considered “potentially unwanted.” If you also have a situation where these adware programs are being installed surreptitiously (without the user being aware or approving the installation), that’s where it falls far enough into the darker side of grey to qualify for detection.
There is an adware program called Yontoo, which has versions for both OS X and Windows, that is falling into that category now. Intego VirusBarrier users with up-to-date virus definitions will see detection of the Yontoo application as OSX/Tonyoo, and they can choose how to proceed. If you are aware of this product installing, you can choose to trust the file through VirusBarrier and let it complete installation. If you do not wish to allow the product to install, Virus Barrier will allow you to remove or quarantine the file.
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