95% of All E-Mail is Spam?
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Peter James
You certainly get a lot of spam, as we all do, but did you ever think that as much as 95% of all e-mail sent is spam? That’s what Panda Security is reporting. In addition, half of all spam comes from only ten countries, with India, Brazil and Russia heading the list.

You probably don’t realize that there’s this much spam out there, because much of it never gets to your computer. If you use e-mail at work, your company certainly has a spam filter that kills the most egregious types of spam, and at home, you may have an ISP with a spam filter as well. But a lot of it comes into your e-mail program. For what does come into your computer, Intego Personal Antispam, part of the company’s Internet Security Barrier suite, is the best way to filter out unwanted e-mails on your Mac. Learning from your e-mail – both spam and legitimate messages – Personal Antispam keeps your inbox spam-free.