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10 Years of Mac Malware: How OS X Threats Have Evolved [Infographic]

Ten years ago today, Intego discovered the first major Mac malware, called “Oompa-Loompa,” also known officially by the rather nerdy name of OSX/Oomp.A (or Leap.A).

As Mac usage continues to steadily grow in popularity, so does the prevalence of Mac malware and security flaws—the threat landscape continues to change over time. The Mac experts at Intego put together a visual timeline that highlights the nastiest, most prevalent threats to demonstrate just how Mac malware has evolved since discovering the Oompa-Loompa Trojan horse.

Here is a look at the evolution of Mac OS X security threats, from 2006 to 2016.



There are new tactics being thought up daily, and there will never be a limit to what cyber-criminals are willing to do to get to your Mac and your private data. So, if you’re worried about attacks like this happening on your Mac what can you do about it?

By taking the appropriate measures to learn about Mac security and act now to protect your Apple devices, you will find that even though the chance of being infected is always there, staying proactive and informed is the best way to keep your computer protected from the bad guys.

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