Subscription cancellation

In order to get the best support for your request we are recommending contacting our support team, which available 24/7.

Important information:

1. You can cancel one contract at a time.

2. You can only cancel contracts under your name, we will verify the information you are entering.

3. You will get a confirmation screen after you are submitting the form.

4. If all information is valid, we will cancel your subscription at the earliest possible date.

Choose the type of subscription you wish to cancel
Relevant plan
Mac Internet Security 
Mac Premium Bundle
Intego Privacy Protection (VPN)
VirusBarrier (Mac)
NetBarrier (Mac)
ContentBarrier (Mac)
Mac Washing Machine 
Personal Backup (Mac)
Intego Antivirus (PC)
Full name (Subscription related)*
Email (subscription related)*
Order ID/Reference no./invoice no.*

Please make sure all the above information is valid and correct, in case the data won’t be valid, we will not be able to cancel the subscription automatically and you will have to contact our support team for further help.